6th Grade Map Skills Ms. Oby, Mr. Potts, Ms. Duck.

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Presentation on theme: "6th Grade Map Skills Ms. Oby, Mr. Potts, Ms. Duck."— Presentation transcript:

1 6th Grade Map Skills Ms. Oby, Mr. Potts, Ms. Duck

2 Learning how to read a map
om/watch?v=A4GMn o9p4g4

3 Compass an instrument containing a magnetized pointer that shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it.

4 Map Key A map key or legend is included with a map to unlock it. It gives you the information needed for the map to make sense. Maps often use symbols or colors to represent things, and the map key explains what they mean Symbols in the key might be pictures or icons that represent different things on the map.

5 Map Scale a ratio which compares a measurement on a map to the actual distance between locations identified on the map

6 Political Map Political maps are designed to show governmental boundaries of countries, states, and counties, the location of major cities, and they usually include significant bodies of water.

7 Physical Map A physical map focuses on the geography of the area and will often have shaded relief to show the mountains and valleys.

8 Hemispheres a half of a sphere.
a half of the earth, usually as divided into northern and southern halves by the equator, or into western and eastern halves by an imaginary line passing through the poles.

9 Hemispheres Continued
Northern Hemisphere, the half that lies north of the equator Southern Hemisphere, the half that lies south of the equator Eastern Hemisphere, the half that lies east of the prime meridian and west of the 180th meridian Western Hemisphere, the half that lies west of the prime meridian and east of the 180th meridian

10 Pictures of Hemispheres

11 Continents any of the world's main continuous expanses of land (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, South America).

12 North America What are some things we know about North America?

13 South America What are some things we know about South America?

14 Europe What are some things we know about Europe?

15 Africa What are some things we know about Africa?

16 Asia What are some things we know about Asia?

17 Australia What are some things we know about Australia?

18 Antartica What are some things we know about Antartica?

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