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World History Edited By: Caitlyn Perry and Claire Fox

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1 World History Edited By: Caitlyn Perry and Claire Fox
Early Man World History Edited By: Caitlyn Perry and Claire Fox

2 Key Terms Prehistory- the period before written history
Hominid- name given to human or human- like creatures Anthropology- study of man and culture Paleontology- study of fossils Archaeology- study of artifacts to learn about ancient societies Artifact- any object made by humans

3 Key Terms continued Nomad- person who travels (migrates) from place to place Culture- a way of life (language, music, religion, art, ethnicity, dress, food, etc.)

4 Early Hominids Artifacts had to be used to study the first hominids because there were no cave paintings or written documents. Australopithecus- oldest of the prehumans, oldest one found in Olduvai Gorge in Kenya, Africa, named Lucy. Homo Habilus- person with ability lived during stone age(stone tools) about 2.5 million years ago.

5 Homo Erectus- person who walks upright also use stone tools and learned to harness fire fire allowed homo erectus to move into caves Homo Sapien- person who thinks(Neanderthal Man) -lived in modern Europe -about 5 ½ feet tall -about 100,00 years ago

6 Homo Sapien Sapien- modern man
-about 50,000 years old -increased technology -developed language -first writing in form of cave painting

7 Ice Ages and Migration There have been three major Ice Ages in the World The last was around 11,000 years ago Much of the world freezes over NC would be the same as living in the northern US Animals migrate to warm climate looking for food People follow the animals… this why they are nomadic Man originates in Africa and migrates all over the world (Partially because of the Ice Ages) over thousands of years

8 Neolithic Revolution

9 Key Terms Civilization- highly organized society with advanced forms of government and economy. Economy- way people use their environment to meet their needs. Artisans- skilled workers of a craft. Myths- traditional stories that explain natural phenomenon. Cultural diffusion- exchange of ideas when cultures come into contact.

10 Neolithic Revolution Beginning of Agriculture (Agricultural Revolution) People settle down because they can grow food instead of following it Ends migration/begins the first civilizations

11 Characteristics of Early Civilizations
Formation of government As people settle, populations grow(no more clans) How do you make rules for larger groups of people to live by? First establishment of kings and government officials Class System- hierarchy of society Top was military, government officials, and priests Middle was artisans and merchants Bottom was peasant workers and slaves *many positions become inherited

12 Economy Established irrigation systems- most early civilizations located along rivers Specialized labor- many people learned a trade Long distance trade- civilizations used boats, rivers and seas to trade with other civilizations (cultural diffusion) Writing First developed as a form of record keeping Also used to spread history/myths

13 First Early Civilizations
Nile River (Egypt) Tigris-Euphrates Rivers (Iraq) Indus River (India) Huang He River (China)

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