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Electroacoustics Prof. Andrzej Dobrucki, PhD Maurycy Kin and Prof. Krzysztof Opieliński The chair of Acoustics and Multimedia, Wrocław University of Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Electroacoustics Prof. Andrzej Dobrucki, PhD Maurycy Kin and Prof. Krzysztof Opieliński The chair of Acoustics and Multimedia, Wrocław University of Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electroacoustics Prof. Andrzej Dobrucki, PhD Maurycy Kin and Prof. Krzysztof Opieliński The chair of Acoustics and Multimedia, Wrocław University of Science and Technology

2 The plan of lectures Human auditory system Speech
Mechanical vibration of one- and multi degrees of freedom Propagation of acoustic and ultrasonic waves Quantities characterizing acoustic field in an open space Quantities characterizing acoustic field in rooms Test no. 1 (April, 10th)

3 The plan of lectures (cont.)
8. Basic acoustical systems. Electrical, mechanical and acoustic analogies Electro-acoustic chain. Transmission of audio signals Principles of operation of electro-acoustical transducers 11. Microphones and loudspeakers 12. Loudspeaker systems and earphones 13. Psychoacoustics 14. Ultrasonic transducers 15. Test no. 2 (June, 12th)

4 The graduating rules Tests will contain 3 questions for describe from the topics given by the lecturers Both tests must be positively graded For those who will not have a success with tests the only one additional test is provided The associated form is a laboratory which must be also positively graded

5 Human auditory system Peripheries (the ear) Central auditory system

6 The ear Inner ear = cochlea + 3 semicircular canals

7 Outer ear Pinna Canal Eardrum
Length of ear canal 2.6 cm, diameter 0.7 cm, volume 1 ccm

8 Functions of outer ear Localization of the sound source
Protection of eardrum Amplification of sound (selective) Localization – shape of pinna (HRTF) Protection – ear canal Amplification – resonances of the canal: 1st at 2600 – 3000 Hz Eardrum surface 85 qmm, thickness 0.1 mm, mass 14 mg

9 Middle ear Middle-ear cavity Ossicular chain (malleus, incus, stapes)
Muscles (stapedius muscle, tensor tympani muscle) Eustachian tube Ossicular chain: the smallest bones in the human Malleus: 23 mg, incus – 25 mg, stapes – 3 mg

10 Middle ear Protecton against high sound level: stapedial effect The eardrum becomes more rigid because of action of tensor tympani muscles and stapedius muscle. Time of response: 150 ms, time of relaxation: 1.5 s. Level of reaction SPL=85 dB

11 Functions of middle ear
Fitting of acoustical impedance Protection against high sound level Equalization of static pressures between outer and middle ear The equalization is provided by Eustachian tube. However, it has the time constant. When the static pressure changes rapidly, e.g. During take off or landing of the plane, the equalization cannot appear immediately. We feel unpleasant pressure in the ear and the sound perception becomes worse.

12 Fitting of acoustical impedance
Effect of lever Effect of piston Effect of lever – transmission coefficient 1.3 to 3 Effect of piston –

13 Fitting of acoustical impedance
Effect of lever – transmission coefficient 1.3 to 3 Effect of piston –

14 Protection against high levels of sound
stapedial effect: the eardrum becomes more rigid because of action of tensor tympani muscles and stapedius muscle - time of response: 150 ms, time of relaxation: 1.5 s, level of reaction SPL=85 dB

15 Equalization of static pressures
It is provided by Eustachian tube. However, it has the time constant. When the static pressure changes rapidly, e.g. during take off or landing of the plane, the equalization cannot appear immediately. We feel unpleasant pressure inside the ear and the sound perception becomes worse for a moment.

16 Inner ear Semicircural canals (equilibrium sensor)
Cochlea and auditory nerve

17 Cochlea

18 Cochlea

19 Cochlear canal

20 Cochlea The space between oval and round window is filled by perylimpha – rigid fluid, - Scala media are filled by endolimpfa. The concentration of ion of Na (sodium) and K (potassium) is different than in perylimpha, and potential of endolimpha is then ca. +90 mV. - Basilar membrane lies on the bone shelf

21 Organ of Corti Hair cells –
Inner (IHC) 1 line, 3500, hairs – convert mechanical vibrations on electrical impulses Outer (OHC) 30000, 5 lines, hairs (stereocilia) each – provide feedback between the central auditory system and ear

22 Organ of Corti Hair cells –
Inner (IHC) 1 line, 3500, hairs – convert mechanical vibrations on electrical impulses Outer (OHC) 30000, 5 lines, hairs (stereocilia) each – provide feedback between the central auditory system and ear

23 Organ of Corti

24 Organ of Corti

25 Movement of basilar membrane
Maximum of displacement depends on frequency

26 Hearing cells Normal Damaged

27 Ascending auditory pathway
DCN –dorsal cochlear nucleus, VCN – ventral c.n., SOC – superior olivary complex, IC – inferior colliculus, LL – lateral lemniscus, MGB – medial geniculate body The monaural informations – black lines, the binaural ones – gray.

28 Descending auditory pathway
LAT, MED. – lateral and medial periolivary nuclei OHC – outer hair cells, RAD – radial fibers, CN – cochlear nucleus

29 Selectivity of hearing
The selectivity of basilar membare is lower than whole selectivity. The selectivity increases because of neurons activity as well as the cental auditory system

30 Auditory area Normal

31 Hearing loss With hearing loss

32 Types of hearing impairments
Conductive hearing loss Sensorineural hearing loss Sensorineural (extracochlear) Mixed hearing loss

33 literature B. C. J. Moore – An introduction to psychology of hearing, Academic press, Cambridge, 1996 H. Dilon – Hearing aids, Boomerang press, Thieme, 2005

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