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The Federal Bureaucracy

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Presentation on theme: "The Federal Bureaucracy"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Federal Bureaucracy
Bureaucracy: the large, complex administrative structure of mostly unelected officials and employees that handles the everyday business of the government

2 What it is Executive Office of the President
The 15 Cabinet Departments Independent Agencies Independent Regulatory Commissions Government Corporations

3 Executive Office of the President
White House Chief of Staff Press Secretary Speech writers Office of Management and Budget National Security Council Council of Economic Advisors

4 The West Wing President’s Lead Chief of Staff Attorney
Personal secretary Assisstant to the pres. For Legislative Affairs National Security Advisor White House Press Secretary Vice President

5 The Cabinet Advisors to the Pres.
Each one heads one of the 15 Cabinet Departments Appointed by Pres., approved by ___________ SENATE

6 The Vice President President of the Senate
Votes to break ties in the Senate

7 Department of Agriculture
Farm subsidies Forest Service Food Stamp & School lunch programs

8 Department of Commerce
Promotes trade Conducts census Grants patents

9 Department of Defense Provides military force to protect national security

10 Department of Education
Federal aid to schools

11 Department of Energy Promotes production of all forms of energy: fossil fuels, nuclear, renewable energy Nuclear weapons research & production

12 Department of Health & Human Services
Pure food and drug laws Medicare & Medicaid programs

13 Department of Homeland Security
Works to prevent terrorist attacks Emergency preparedness & Response (FEMA)

14 Department of Housing & Urban Development
Public housing programs Enforces fair housing laws Restrictive covenants

15 Department of the Interior
Manages public land, national parks Native American affairs

16 The West Public lands, open spaces.


18 Department of Justice Investigates violation of federal laws
Current Attorney General: Investigates violation of federal laws Operates federal prisons

19 Department of Labor Job safety laws Job training programs
Workmen’s compensation

20 Department of State Mike Pompeo Current Secretary of State:
Conducts U.S. foreign policy Negotiates agreements with other countries

21 Department of Transportation
Maintains/regulates interstate highways, railroads, waterways, air travel

22 Department of the Treasury
Current Treasury Secretary: Steve Mnuchin Collects taxes (IRS) Borrows money to pay for U.S. debt Enforces alcohol, tobacco, and firearms laws

23 Department of Veterans Affairs
Runs pension, medical, benefit programs for vets Oversees military cemeteries

24 Independent Agencies General Services Administration
Office of Personnel Management National Aerospace Administration Social Security Administration

25 Independent Regulatory Commissions
Federal Reserve Securities & Exchange Commission Environmental Protection Agency Federal Communications Commission Federal Trade Commission

26 Government Corporations
Tennessee Valley Authority Post Office Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Amtrak Corporation for Public Broadcasting

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