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Presentation on theme: "Fathers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fathers

2 The Type of Father Not Needed
Fathers today who pitch their tents toward Sodom Genesis 13:10-13 Sodom was not a wholesome environment for the raising of a family 2 Peter 2:7,8 Genesis Chapter 19

3 The Type of Father Not Needed
Fathers today who will not restrain their children like Eli 1 Samuel 2:12,17,24 The Reason they were so wicked – Eli “did not restrain them” – 1 Samuel 3:13 Proverbs 29:15,17 A Father Must Discipline His Children

4 The Type of Father Not Needed
Fathers today who practice theft, deception, and dishonesty as Achan Joshua 6:2 Joshua 6:17-19 Joshua 7:11 Joshua 7:20,21 When children see misconduct, they will be influenced

5 The Type of Father Not Needed
Fathers today such as Jeroboam was to Nadab First of 19 kings of the Northern Kingdom 1 Kings 15:25,26 Nadab did not have a righteous father to emulate

6 The Type of Father Not Needed
Fathers today who rear their children in the speech of Ashdod Nehemiah 13:23,24 Jewish men choosing wrong women, and it was affecting the purity of their speech Today leaving the language of sound doctrine

7 The Type of Father Needed
Fathers who will emulate Enoch Genesis 5:21-24 Jude 14,15 A father who walked with God, a man of great faith, a man not afraid to speak out against ungodly speech and conduct

8 The Type of Father Needed
Fathers who will emulate Noah Hebrews 11:7 2 Peter 2:5 Genesis 6:8,9 Noah was a great father: Concerned about saving his children He taught them He walked with God as an example

9 The Type of Father Needed
Fathers who will emulate Abraham Genesis 18:19 “command his children and his household after him” Proverbs 22:6 “train up a child in the way he should go” Ephesians 6:4 “bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord” Romans 4:11 “father of all those who believe”

10 The Type of Father Needed
Fathers who will emulate Joshua Joshua 24:14 “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” Joshua didn’t care what other fathers were doing – He and his family were going to serve the Lord! Have you determined that you and your family will serve the Lord?

11 The Type of Father Needed
Fathers who will emulate Zacharias Luke 1:5,6 These are high commendations for a man Acquired these qualities before becoming a Father Chose a wife with the same qualities

12 Godly Preparation For Fatherhood is Imperative
Are we being the type of fathers that will be of spiritual benefit to our children? Fathers, let us work harder in our obligations as the father of our children

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