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Insert Case Title Case Overview

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1 Insert Case Title Case Overview
From the List to the right, Please indicate which category does your case fall under? State one sentence summary: Ex. 47 yr old with family history of premature CVD and personal history dyslipidemia with prior statin in tolerance. Primary Care Prevention Secondary Prevention Pediatric Case Familial Hypertriglyceridemia Diabetes Metabolic Syndrome Low HDL Familial Combined Hyperlipidemia Familial Hypercholesterolemia Elevated Lipoprotein (a) Statin Intolerance

2 Patient Information Age Gender 40 Female Height Weight BMI 65.5 120
24.01 Waist Circumference (CM) Exercise 33 Moderate Smoking Allergies Alcohol Y/N Y/ how much daily/weekly BP Systolic (mm/Hg) BP Diastolic (mm/Hg) 100 60 Pulse Rate Fasting Status 60 F/NF

3 Patient History Patient History PVC’s Syncope Hypothyroid TMJ
Surgical History T & A Family History Father Age 67 smoker; well heart; health diet and exercise Mother Age 64 past smoker; RN: heart healthy; diet and exercise

4 Current Medications Current Medication Prior to this Visit None

5 Labs worth noting Lab Test Normal Range Patient Range LDL-P
Small LDL-P LpPLA2 TSH ALT Pick only labs that are pertinant, above are just examples. All cases should include LDL-P or Apo B

6 Questions to Consider Question one Question two Question three
Question four

7 LABS Please insert actual lab images separately!!!!!!

8 Initial Treatment & Management

9 Follow Up Follow Up Visit:

10 Discussion Problem Issues Treatment Options

11 Clinical Pearls Clinical Pearls

12 Case Summary 1st Visit Follow Up Goal Medication
MetforminER 2000, Crestor 10 Crestor 20 etc LDL-P Vit-D CRP Small LDL

13 Resources Please attach separately or contact us at for available resources.

14 References

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