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Deep Dive Case Study Healthy Heart Check (NHS Health Check)

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1 Deep Dive Case Study Healthy Heart Check (NHS Health Check)

2 Overview of the HHC Mandated population level programme Commenced 2008 locally, 2009 nationally Core activity is delivered within General Practices. Locally - CVD bank is also commissioned to deliver 3000 Healthy Heart Checks per annum within workplace and community settings across Teesside. Eligible people are entitled to a check once every 5 years

3 The Check systematically targets the top seven causes of preventable deaths: high blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol, obesity, poor diet, physical inactivity and alcohol consumption There is a need to ensure that the NHS Health Check not only identifies undiagnosed disease or disease risk but acts as an opportunity for lifestyle behaviour change.

4 Estimates carried out by the Department of Health showed that NHS Health Checks could prevent: 1,600 heart attacks and strokes At least 650 premature deaths Over 4,000 new cases of diabetes Also, at least 20,000 cases of diabetes or kidney disease could be detected earlier allowing individuals to be better managed and so improve their quality of life.

5 Eligibility 15 million people eligible nationally Aged 40-74 No pre-existing CVD - Heart Attack/Stroke/AF/IHD No pre-existing conditions - Diabetes/Hypertension Not on a statin Not had a HHC in last 5 years

6 What the check includes: Measurements: BP – both arms BMI Manual Pulse Waist circumference Cholesterol blood test for TC/HDL/ratio Family history of MI/Stroke Ethnicity Age Gender Lifestyle questions: Smoking, Alcohol, Diet & Exercise 10 year risk of CVD is calculated using an appropriate tool

7 Five years on............. over 100,000 people on Teesside have taken up the offer of a Health Check. Efforts to prevent disease and promote better health are having a profound local impact on major causes of premature mortality.

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