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MAIN Causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism.

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Presentation on theme: "MAIN Causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAIN Causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

2 Immediate Cause Black Hand” terrorists attack the Archduke’s motorcade
Balkans- nationalism divided the region Constant fights for ethnic freedom Serbs want to unite with Bosnia- Herzegovina Archduke Franz Ferdinand visits Sarajevo


4 Allies vs Central Powers


6 Trench warfare


8 Outline of trenches from overhead
The trenches today

9 Typical view of no man’s land
War of Attrition: Each side works to out produce and out last the enemy. How is Verdun an example of attrition? No Man’s Land was often a ghastly landscape of mutilated, bullet-ridden bodies tangled in barbed wire. Horrifying casualty rates: a direct result of advanced weaponry used with outdated military strategy. For example: Verdun in 1916— French lost ~360,000 men Germans lost ~340,000 men

10 Machine Gun Tanks Airplanes Submarines
Tank warfare was first introduced by France and Britain in 1916 and were credited with Allied successes after 1916. Submarines The airplane developed into an offensive weapon by the end of World War I. Air battles were becoming legendary.

11 Total War- all resources devoted to war effort
Conscription- a draft Factories produce war equipment Resources to the military Propaganda to maintain civilian support

12 1917-- Russia Out 1904-- lost Russo-Japanese War
Bloody Sunday WWI heavy losses March Revolution– tsar abdicates Red October/ Bolshevik Rev Treaty of Brest-Litovsk-- ends the German Eastern Offensive – Civil War … USSR

13 The Revolution in Russia

14 1917-- United States In 1915-- Lusitania sunk incl. 128 Americans
1917– Zimmerman Telegram discovered US declares war

15 Paris Peace Conference
*The “Big Four” leaders→ US, France, Italy, and Britain     *Who wasn’t there? Russia Germany (or any Central Powers/Triple Alliance)        

16 The Treaty of Versailles
Germany (Central Powers) lost land Germany lost army and navy Germany had to pay reparations Germany had to accept blame- Article 231 Germany UNHAPPY!

17 Impact of WWI

18 Impact of WWI Death Destruction Despair
Killed an entire generation of Europeans Destruction Cities and economies destroyed Loss of ag and industry Despair   Treaty caused problems and bitterness Loss of ideals… insecurity PTSD New tech changed how future wars will be fought  

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