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2 Eurasian boar Native to Europe/asia
Fascilities located in New York in the 1990s The eurassion boars escaped from shooting The boar then began to breed in the wild The boars eat the eggs of native ground birds And destroy crops and eating young fawns And domestic livestock To deal with the boar the state traps and kills The whole group of boars at one time

3 Damage done by a Eurasian boar

4 Sirex woodwasp How it got to NY is unknown but it was
Discovered in a trap in 2004 It is native to Europe Asia and north Africa Destroys red pine trees The wasp lays eggs on a tree and the toxic Mucus that is with the egg kills the tree’s cells Females are sterilized using a nematode to Control these invasive creatures

5 Damage done by the sirex woodwasp

6 Emerald Ash Borer Native to china Came to new York on imported wood
Kills off ash trees The larvae of the pest burrows into The ash tree which is native to new York Wood infected with this creature is burned

7 Damage done by the emerald ash borer

8 Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
Native to asia Came to new York on imported wood Destroys hemlock Newly hatched HWA feed on the Hemlock’s Stored starches. This makes the tree’s Health decline. chemical insecticides are used to manage the HWA

9 Damage done by the HWA

10 Sea Lamprey Native to the alantic ocean
Came here through manmade canals Sucks the insides out of native fish Native fish decline Barriers are in place to stop the spread of these creatures

11 Spiny Waterflea Native to Europe and Asia
Came to new York through the discharge of contaminated cargo ship ballast water eats zooplankton which causes competition With small native fish who also eat them Native fish die People are advised to Clean, drain, and dry your watercraft, trailer, and equipment to prevent the flea from spreading

12 Northern Snakehead native to Asia
Got to new York through being sold in Pet stores then released into the wild The creature eats native fish due to its strong Predatory instinct Kills off native fish which could greatly effect the aquatic ecosystem To manage this creature they are trapped in nets and electro fished

13 Chinese mitten crab Native to china and south Korea
Thought to have been brought over by ship May compete with the native blue crab Their habits of burrowing may disrupt stream Banks to manage these creatures traps are placed on The sides of dams

14 Asian longhorn beetle native to China and the Korean Peninsula
Arrived in wood packaging Attacks maple trees Maple is a valuable tree for New York And to lose it would be devastating To manage these creatures infected trees are quarantined

15 Spotted lantern fly native to China India Vietnam
Came to new York on a shipment of Rocks with spotted lantern fly eggs in them Attack fruit trees Fruit trees are a important source of food And to lose them would have us lose money and food Spotted lantern flies are being trapped and exterminated before they Spread badly

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