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Reports Welcome to the Finance video on reporting.

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1 Reports Welcome to the Finance video on reporting.
In this video we will cover what kinds of reports Finance generates and how they can be useful to you. Each of the reports covered may change from time to time in appearance, so for this video, we will cover the basic information we want to give you through the report, rather than going over a specific format.

2 ISSR – Income and Spending Status Report
Each month each staff member will receive an income and spending status report (ISSR) from Finance – shows the fund balance. Income section – represents all donations received by ISI for individual ministry accounts. Expense section – Will contain reimbursements paid to staff from requests. ISI paid expenses requiring reimbursement back to ISI (medical ins., postage, Website, and regional conferences). Other ISI related expenses (SSA, escrow transfer) Payroll including salary and employer expenses like retirement fund matching contributions and FICA taxes. The change in account by month is income less expenses. The fund balance is the previous months ending balance combined with the current month’s change in account. The first report we will cover is the income and spending status report, or ISSR for short. This report gives the fund balance as of the report date along with the monthly detail on how much in donations was received by ISI under your ministry account and how much was spent out of that account. This report is considered a point-in-time report which sums all activity within your account beginning with it’s creation to the report date to come up with the fund balance figure. The fund balance is what Finance uses to determine how much in reimbursements and payroll can be paid from the account each month. The donation totals come from Donor Services which reports to Finance each day’s activity within the donation management system. Those daily totals by department code are uploaded into the accounting system. Each time a donation is received, it will be assessed a Staff Service Allocation fee, or SSA for short depending on the type of donation it is. . The SSA fee will show up on an individual line on the ISSR within the expense section. While reviewing the monthly ISSR report, if any questions come up, please contact us in Finance so we can get any issues resolved as soon as possible. Other expenses that may be a part of the report include: Reimbursements requested by staff. Expenses paid on behalf of the staff by ISI which are to be reimbursed to the company, such as, medical insurance, postage, website fees, and regional conference expense. Other ISI related expenses such as, SSA and transfers to escrow accounts. An escrow account is set up for each staff member to act as a savings account to cover attendance at ISI’s annual National Conference. Payroll costs to include living and housing allowances, employer paid retirement contributions, and employer paid FICA tax. The total of all income minus expenses determines the end result of the account for the month. Once combined with the prior month’s end result, the current fund balance is calculated.

3 DDR – Direct Deposit Report
The DDR is sent for each deposit made into each staff member’s bank account for each run of Accounts Payable (AP)payments. Any reimbursement paid, either monthly or weekly, will produce a DDR. The report is ed to the ISI for each staff member. ISI cannot business information to non-ISI accounts. The next report we will review is the direct deposit report. The purpose of this report is to give the staff member information regarding how much was deposited into his or her bank account with the latest run of Accounts Payable, or AP, payments. If this amount is not posted within the next few days of receiving the notice, staff should contact Finance, so we can research what may have happened and get it resolved quickly. Please note that all ISI business should be conducted using the ISI that was given to you upon your joining the ISI team. We cannot adequately secure other services, so we ask all staff to use the ISI for all ISI business. All reports from Finance will come through your ISI account.

4 Field Staff Income Report
Used to update staff on his/her fund-raising efforts. Sent out monthly. Contains information on reported month, fiscal year-to-date (ISI’s fiscal year is from October 1st to September 30th), and the previous 12 months. If there are any suspected errors in the report, please contact Finance so we can resolve any issues. The next report we will cover is the Field Staff Income Report which gives staff an idea on where they are with fund-raising efforts as compared to their budget. The first part of the report looks at the current fund balance, the yearly budget, and how many days that current fund balance would support the staff member assuming no other donations came in after the reporting date. The goal for staff is to keep the days of support available at or over 45 days. The next section addresses the reported month’s income as compared to the budgeted amount for the same period as well as giving income amounts for previous months for comparison. Next, the report looks at fiscal year-to-date information. ISI’s fiscal year begins on October 1 of each year and ends on the 30th of September in the following calendar year. This section will give the staff member an idea of how much he or she budgeted to bring in up to the report date and how much he or she actually brought in. ISI’s goal is for each staff member to maintain 90% or greater funding levels as compared to budgets. The last section reports on the previous 12 months and shows the staff member how he or she did in terms of raising money over the previous 12 calendar months. This will not be tied into the fiscal year, but change each month to include the previous 12 calendar months as summary information. If there are suspected errors within the data received, please reach out to Finance, so we can get those resolved quickly for you.

5 Field Income Report - RFD
The same information the individual staff member receives is also given the RFD, but for each person in each RFD’s region. The RFD report is an excel listing each of their staff and ministry representative’s progress with raising enough funds to keep them going throughout the year. The same information is tracked by the Director of Field Development in the Home Office. IF help is needed, help will be provided. Each RFD or Regional Field Director will also receive a spreadsheet listing each staff and ministry representative in the RFD’s region and the current fund-raising progress by comparing funds raised to the individual budgets. The same time frames are covered to include reported month, fiscal year-to-date, and past months. If the RFD or Director of Field Development see a need for additional training or other resources based on funding level, appropriate steps will be taken to come along side staff and provide assistance, so no staff person is left behind in terms of support.

6 We Need Your Help For any report received, please review it closely to make sure the information is correct. Points to keep watch over - ISSR: Check income to Donor Services report on income. Compare SSA amounts to expected SSA amounts. Compare expenses submitted to expenses reported for reimbursements. Compare payroll amounts with the payroll system’s amounts. Check escrow amounts to expected escrow amounts. As always with any organization, mistakes can be made when reports are generated, so please be sure to check your reports for anything you think may be an error and let Finance know, so we can get it corrected for you. For the ISSR report, please check the following fields: Check the income on the ISSR report to the income on the report provided to you by ISI’s Donor Services department. Compare the staff service allocation (SSA) fee to what you would expect it to be based on your donations received. Compare the expense reimbursement amounts listed on the ISSR with what you had expected to see based on what you submitted and was approved. Compare the payroll expenses listed on the ISSR with the amounts you see when you access ISI’s payroll processing system. Check escrow amounts to be sure the total makes sense for what your budget says and compared to the number of months that have gone by up to that point.

7 We Need Your Help – Cont. For the DDR please check the following:
The amount listed is what you got confirmation as to the approved amount. The department listed is one in which you should be receiving reports for. The amount listed is what was deposited into your account. Please check the following with the direct deposit report, or DDR: The amount listed is what you got confirmation as to the approved amount. The department listed is one in which you should be receiving reports for. The amount listed is what was deposited into your account. If anything looks off, please let us know.

8 We Need Your Help – Cont. For the Field Income Report please check the following: The amount listed for the reported month’s balance matches the funds available amount from the same month’s ISSR. The monthly and annual budget amounts match your records. The monthly donation amounts match what was reported on the ISSR for the same time periods. Please check the following with the direct deposit report, or DDR: The amount listed for the reported month’s balance matches the funds available amount from the same month’s ISSR. The monthly and annual budget amounts match your records. The monthly donation amounts match what was reported on the ISSR for the same time periods. If anything looks off, please let us know.

9 RFD Field Income Report Checks
Please spot check a handful of the lines each month to make sure the following is correct: Hours reported are the current hours worked. Status is correct. Budget numbers match the most current budget for that person. Current balance matches the funds available balance from the same month ISSR. Values listed for prior months match prior month field income reports. For RFDs, please spot check a handful of lines in your report each month to make sure the following is correct for each person: Hours reported are the current hours worked. Status is correct. Budget numbers match the most current budget for that person. Current balance matches the funds available balance from the same month ISSR. Values listed for prior months match prior month field income reports. If you find anything that isn’t lining up or making sense, please let Finance know, so we can get it corrected.

10 Thank you!! Thank you for joining ISI and we hope you have many more years of wonderful service with us. Please reach out if there is ever anything we can do for you. We will end with a word of gratitude. Thank you for joining ISI and we hope you have many more years of wonderful service with us. Please reach out if there is ever anything we can do for you.

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