Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Keith R. Bisson SVP, Program Management and Development CEI Rural LISC.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Keith R. Bisson SVP, Program Management and Development CEI Rural LISC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Keith R. Bisson SVP, Program Management and Development CEI Rural LISC 2013 Seminar June 5, 2013 Washignton, DC

2 The Intermediary: CEI Mission: To help create economically and environmentally healthy communities in which all people, especially those with low incomes, can reach their full potential Organized as a CDC in 1977, certified as a CDFI in 1995 88 Staff $898.5 million capital under management/committed 41,044 businesses/people counseled $2.44 billion leveraged Support the Triple Bottom Line – Economy, Equity and Environment Three areas of focus: Financing and Investment Business Development Services Policy

3 Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems at CEI: Creating Opportunity Along the Value Chain from Farms to Retailers Supports viability and expansion of rural food economies in Maine and the Northeast Committed to increasing food self-sufficiency and access to healthy food for all Provide: Business Technical Assistance Financing Sector Initiatives

4 Business Technical Assistance Coordinate team-based business planning Leverage resources and networks Provide sector expertise

5 Financing Flexible debt; lines of credit; equity and equity-like financing; guarantees Amounts from $500,000 or more Coordinate multiple sources of capital

6 Sector Initiatives Food access initiative for underserved populations State and federal policy and advocacy networks Strategic collaboration with regional farming and food organizations

7 Programmatic Impact Over our 35 year history, CEIs food system work has resulted in over 295 direct investments totaling more than $15 million and leveraging an additional $75 million. In the past 5 years, food system lending has created or retained 323 jobs and kept 6,773 acres of farmland in production. Our current portfolio totals nearly $5.7 million; and within that our agriculture and value chain portfolio nearly $2.7 million.

8 The CEI Team: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Program Team: Gray Harris, Director Daniel Wallace, Program Developer Experienced team of five loan officers with complete loan servicing staff Business Development Services division with 12 experienced business counselors

9 Northern Girl – Caribou, Maine Value-add processing of locally grown vegetables, in Maines northernmost county, Aroostook. $25,000 equity investment to support operations. Sources of funds: CEIs Healthy Food Finance fund and Annie E. Casey foundation funds.

10 Fossas General Store – Dexter, Maine Community store that sources local farm products year round. Phase II plans include vegetable processing, and a creamery. $50,000 term loan for working capital, renovations, and debt refinance. CEI Fund source: Healthy Food Finance Funds.

11 Village Farm – Freedom, Maine Organic farm in midcoast Maine, offering over 100 varieties of vegetables, herbs and flowers for 75+ CSA member households and several wholesale accounts.CSA $15,000 microloan to construct a greenhouse and install an irrigation system. 2 CEI Fund sources: Maine Farm Business Loan Fund (partnership with The Carrot Project); The Organic Loan Fund

12 CEI Staff



15 Q & A

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