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Prepositions and Conjunctions

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Presentation on theme: "Prepositions and Conjunctions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepositions and Conjunctions

2 Prepositions describe relationships between elements within sentences
They convey the following relationships: Place: at, on, by, opposite Direction: towards, past, out of, to, through Time: at, before, in, on Comparison: as…as, like Source: from, out of Purpose: for

3 Conjunctions aka connectives or joining words two types

4 Co-ordinating Conjunctions
Link lexical units (words) of equal value: and but or neither … nor either … or

5 Subordinating Conjunctions
join a subordinate clause to a main clause often give info on when, where, how or if an action takes place a clause introduced by a subordinating conjunction cannot stand alone

6 Identify the Conjunctions:
I love going to the theatre because it brings the play alive. Whenever we visit France, I remember that first holiday. I want to study at the moment, so that I can go to university. I go to restaurants where I can get a good vegetarian meal. If they travel at a reasonable speed, they should be here by evening. The woman looked as if she was about to shout. While she loved her new home, she still yearned for her old cottage.

7 Some of the main subordinating conjunctions:
Time: when(ever), while, as, before, until, after, since, once, when Place: where, wherever Purpose: so that, in order that Reason: because, as, since Condition: if, unless Contrast: although, while, whereas Comparison: as, than, like, as if, as though

8 Insert the most appropriate conjunction in the numbered spaces:
the doctor hurried from one bed to another, the nurses went about their tasks calmly. They had beds to make medicine to allocate, it was all part of their daily routine they were accustomed to being shorthanded, they found ways to divide the tasks they were really busy, things went quite smoothly. The ward was full at the moment, they all knew that there were at least two patients waiting for admission. It always seemed to happen these days a bed was vacated, it was stripped and filled within half an hour the nurses looked, they saw the need for more beds, more facilities and, above all, more nurses they had to cope with the cuts, they had to think only of the job in hand. It was not worth wasting energy on bewailing the conditions in which they had to work, they needed all their strength to cope with their long shifts. It was better working on a production line, surely!

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