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Solomon And Social Media. Solomon And Social Media.

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2 Solomon And Social Media

3 Social Media The pro: a quick and convenient way to communicate with others The con: a quick and convenient way to 1) sin with our lips (or our fingers), and 2) be led astray by false information

4 Social Media The Christian does not live in two worlds: one for social media and one for regular relationships “Whatever you do…” (1 Cor. 10:31; Col. 3:17; 3:23)

5 Solomon and Social Media
1. Take your time, don’t rush to judgment, it’s hard to take it back Proverbs 12:18; 15:28

6 Solomon and Social Media
2. Be discerning, don’t believe everything your read, it’s easy to be misled Proverbs 5:2; 10:13; 14:15

7 Solomon and Social Media
3. Say less, not more Proverbs 10:19; 12:13; 13:3; 17:27-28; 21:23

8 Solomon and Social Media
4. Seek to build up, not to tear down Proverbs 10:11, 20; 12:14, 25; 13:2; 15:1, 4, 23, 26; 16:24; 18:21

9 Solomon and Social Media
5. Offer God’s objective truth, not your subjective opinion Proverbs 10:31-32; 11:9; 12:19; 14:7; 15:2, 7; 16:21-23; 18:4; 20:15; 23:15-16; 24:26; 31:8-9, 26

10 Solomon and Social Media
Take your time (Jas. 1:19) Be discerning (Jas. 3:13-18) Say less (Jas. 3:2) Build up (Jas. 3:9-10) Offer truth (Jas. 5:19)

11 Effective Use of Social Media
Advertise local church events Study with non-Christians Post sermons, Bible class material Encourage others

12 The Wise Christian Every aspect of our life should be guarded today: ears, heart, mouth, eyes, feet (Prov. 4:20-27) We will be judged by our words, good or bad, spoken or typed (Mt. 12:37)

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