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The Expansion of the Railroad

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1 The Expansion of the Railroad
Chapter 19 Section 1 The Expansion of the Railroad

2 Rail traffic was controlled by:
Railroad barons Cornelius Vanderbilt was one of the most powerful railroad barons.

3 The railroad system encouraged industries to
Move West Farm equipment manufacturers is one example.

4 Tracks were originally made from
Iron Eventually steel would replace iron.

5 A song made popular by railroad workers
“I’ve been working on the railroad” To hear the song, just click here: Been Working on the Railroad

6 Railroad industry practices
Rebate: Secret discount to large companies. Pool: Secret agreements between rail companies. Set rates for regions, no competition, greater profits.

7 Several companies in the railroad industry combined. This is called

8 Improved rail travel Pullman: sleeping car Swift: refrigerated car
Westinghouse: air brakes

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