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Coming To Kindergarten in 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Coming To Kindergarten in 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coming To Kindergarten in 2019

2 Tips to help your child be successful in Kindergarten
Getting a Head Start Tips to help your child be successful in Kindergarten

3 Summer Recommendations:
NOW IS THE TIME FOR INDEPENDENCE ! Begin during the summer, not when school starts. They feel good about themselves when they are independent. Open own lunch items

4 Dress self including tying shoes
Be independent at lunch Allow opportunities to open milk, juice boxes, snack packages, etc.

5 Be independent in the restroom
Know how to fasten and unfasten clothes Flush and wash hands Boys should know how to use a urinal Boys should know how to use urinal without pulling pants all the way down

Children who ask questions, take initiative, and push through difficult tasks tend to excel in school. Have opportunities to be with other children Leave your child with someone else for short periods of time Allow your child to make some simple decisions for him/her self Allow your child to solve some problems alone Learn how to interact by being with other children time away from parents we do not nap

7 Academic Readiness Recognizing Letters Saying ABCs (not singing song)
Upper and lower case Letters have sounds Recognize and write own name capital letter first - rest is lower case Family names Play letter games Different from singing abc song…lower case letters important

8 Academic Readiness Talk about colors and shapes Practice rote counting , 2, 3, 4, Practice counting objects

Accuracy - Fluency - Comprehension Retelling a story with detail Main idea, characters, setting, plot, sequencing events Writing to communicate

10 Reading Level D/E Expectations by May
This is the minimum


12 YEAR END EXPECTATIONS MATH – Recognizing numerals 1-20
Object counting through 20 Rote counting to 100 Reading a calendar (days of the week) Creating a graph Interpreting a graph Creating Patterns Addition Subtraction Math Vocabulary

13 Developing Fine Motor

14 Fiskar safety scissor work best
Cut out pictures Fiskar safety scissor work best Glue pictures Use glue sticks and Glue bottles Draw and color pictures Use regular size pencils and crayons GLUE Get used to scissors and glue (dot not puddle). Use regular size pencils and crayons

15 Develop Routines Stop naps early in the summer
Start living on the schedule you will have when school starts about two weeks before school begins. This allows your child to practice going to bed early and getting up early.

16 Routines when school begins
If at all possible, stay on a schedule Choose clothes and lunch the night before Have folders and backpacks ready the night before

17 We must be a team Parents, teachers, and administrators will all work
together in order to give your child the very best education possible.

18 You will receive information in August about bringing your child and school supplies to school before the first day.

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