Changing Behaviors: For a More Resilient Tomorrow

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Presentation on theme: "Changing Behaviors: For a More Resilient Tomorrow"— Presentation transcript:

1 Changing Behaviors: For a More Resilient Tomorrow
Eric Frank Public Information, Education & Outreach Coordinator Clark Regional Emergency Services Agency Clark, WA

2 Investing In Tomorrow What is CRESA How I got involved and why...
How agencies like mine can partner with You Bringing CERT to your program... CERT Training and tie into Citizen Corps

3 What Is CRESA? Nationally Recognized & Accredited Agency CRESA is:
An Interlocal Agency 85 Employees 4 Divisions 911 Operations Technical Services Emergency Management Admin ( Records Requests) So first off. A little about CRESA... As an inter-local government agency our partners are each of the seven cities within Clark County – Battle Ground, Camas, La Center, Ridgefield, Vancouver, Washougal, and Yacolt – as well as Clark County.

4 How I Got Involved: My Story... Changing Behaviors...
Shaping Tomorrows Leaders I’ve seen 1st hand how this type of education can make a difference in a young persons life. Personal Story about myself as a part of FFA, FCCLA and 4-H and how that helped develop who I am today. In 4-H, I was an officer, presented and attended 4-H Congress in DC I participated in multiple speech competitions and was on the state Parliamentary Team for 4 years in FFA I was a state officer in FCCLA I became involved in my community... I have had a front row seat in how this type of education can help develop leaders of tomorrow. When I became involved in public safety I realized that as whole, my discipline does very poorly at educating regarding the importance of preparedness... I was looking at ways of actually changing behaviors, not just throwing pamphlets at folks... I remembered back to my days as a FF/EMT and remembered the success’ we had with fire safety by engaging with kids. They in turn would go home and not only share with their parents, but convince them they needed to make a plan, identifying things that would keep them all safer. Shortly after I took over this role for CRESA, at a CERT Train the Trainer and Program Manager Course, ran into Tracee. Tracee is an educator here in Clark Co that if you havent already met, you will have an opportunity later today. Tracee was taking over the Health and Occupational Sciences program at a high school here and although they had used concepts from CERT before, she wanted to fully incorporate them into her curriculm. As we began chatting, we both realized that how partnering together, we could both reach goals in creating tomorrows leaders and engaging students into their communities. This partnership has allowed both programs to grow, and I personally am working with 3 different high schools now in Clark Co to help develop tomorrows community leaders Those

5 How Agencies Like Mine Can Partner with you!
Career paths EM 911 Dispatch Tech Volunteer Opportunities Citizen Corps Public Education Emergency Operations Center Amateur Radio Search and Rescue Opportunities with new Technology

6 Bringing CERT and Citizen CORPS to Your Program
THE MISSION: To harness the power of every individual through education, training, and volunteer service to make communities safer, stronger, and better prepared to respond to the threats of terrorism, crime, public health issues, and disasters of all kinds. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program  Fire Corps  National Neighborhood Watch Program Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)  Volunteers In Police Service (VIPS)  Corporation For National And Community Service (CNCS)   Following the tragic events that occurred on September 11, 2001, state and local government officials have increased opportunities for citizens to become an integral part of protecting the homeland and supporting the local first responders. Officials agree that the formula for ensuring a more secure and safer homeland consists of preparedness, training, and citizen involvement in supporting first responders. In January 2002, the President of the United States launched Citizen Corps, to capture the spirit of service that emerged throughout our communities following the terrorist attacks. Citizen Corps was created to help coordinate volunteer activities that will make our communities safer, stronger, and better prepared to respond to any emergency situation. It provides opportunities for people to participate in a range of measures to make their families, their homes, and their communities safer from the threats of crime, terrorism, and disasters of all kinds. Citizen Corps programs build on the successful efforts that are in place in many communities around the country to prevent crime and respond to emergencies. Programs that started through local innovation are the foundation for Citizen Corps and this national approach to citizen participation in community safety. Citizen Corps is coordinated nationally by the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency. In this capacity, FEMA works closely with other federal entities, state and local governments, first responders and emergency managers, the volunteer community, and the Corporation for National & Community Service. Call To Action The Citizen Corps mission is accomplished through a national network of state, local, and tribal Citizen Corps Councils. These Councils build on community strengths to implement the Citizen Corps preparedness programs and carry out a local strategy to involve government, community leaders, and citizens in all-hazards preparedness and resilience. Citizen Corps asks you to embrace the personal responsibility to be prepared; to get training in first aid and emergency skills; and to volunteer to support local emergency responders, disaster relief, and community safety.

7 Training Want to Join a CERT or Start a CERT in your area? Teen CERT
CERT Train the Trainer CERT Program Manager Trainings for CERT etc approval will need to come through your local emergency manager and up to state..

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