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Citizen Corps Mission To have everyone in America participate in making themselves, our communities, and our nation safer We all have a role in hometown.

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Presentation on theme: "Citizen Corps Mission To have everyone in America participate in making themselves, our communities, and our nation safer We all have a role in hometown."— Presentation transcript:


2 Citizen Corps Mission To have everyone in America participate in making themselves, our communities, and our nation safer We all have a role in hometown security a personal responsibility to be prepared; to get training in first aid and emergency skills; and to volunteer to support local emergency responders, disaster relief, and community safety.

3 In 95% of all emergencies, bystanders or victims themselves are the first to provide emergency assistance or to perform a rescue The Need to be Ready

4 National Citizen Corps Council Affiliate Programs Are You Ready? Citizen Corps Council Federal Partner Programs Affiliate Programs Citizen Preparedness ~ Training & Exercises ~ Volunteer Service Are You Ready? DHSDOJ/NSADOJ/IACP DHSDHHS/OSGDHS/USFA NVFC/IAFF/IAFC Office of Grants and Training

5 Citizen Corps Programs The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program educates and trains citizens in basic disaster response skills Fire Corps promotes the use of citizen advocates to provide support to fire and rescue departments The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Program helps medical, public health, and other volunteers offer their expertise Neighborhood Watch/USAonWatch incorporates terrorism awareness education into its existing crime prevention mission Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) works to enhance the capacity of state and local law enforcement to utilize volunteers

6 Citizen Corps Affiliates Programs and organizations that - provide materials and resources for public education or training; - provide volunteer service opportunities to support first responders, disaster relief activities, and community safety efforts; or - represent volunteers with an interest in homeland security

7 Citizen Corps Affiliates

8 Citizen Corps Approach National network of state/local/tribal Citizen Corps Councils to: - tailor activities to the community - build on community strengths to develop and implement a local strategy for all to participate National and state public awareness and media campaign


10 Citizen Corps Councils Tribal/Local Citizen Corps Councils State Citizen Corps Councils National Citizen Corps Council Emergency Medical Law Enforcement Fire Service Volunteer Service Private Sector Intergovernmenta l Individuals with Disabilities Emergency Management

11 Citizen Corps Councils Focus on public education, training, and volunteer opportunities for community and family safety Promote and oversee Citizen Corps programs Provide opportunities for special skills and interests Organize special projects/community events

12 Citizen Corps – Community Benefits Greater sense of security, responsibility, and personal control Builds community pride, unity and patriotism Promotes risk reduction, mitigation, and preparedness practices Prepares us all for helping others in a crisis

13 Citizen Corps - Emergency Responder Benefits Year round support through volunteer programs Reduces burden on first responder services by promoting mitigation and preparedness measures Creates well trained, better informed, and better prepared citizens to take care of themselves and others during times of crisis -- allowing first responders to address the most critical needs

14 CITIZEN CORPS IN NC Approved Citizen Corps Councils – 89  County Councils - 58  Local Councils (towns/cities) – 29  Tribal - 2 Community Emergency Response Teams – 74 Neighborhood Watch Programs – 372 Volunteers in Police Service Programs – 35 Medical Reserve Corps Units – 19 Fire Corps Programs - 19

15 How Can CPAC Members Help? Corporations and businesses can support and sponsor employee CERT Teams by providing training –One of the best ways organizations can protect themselves in a disaster. –While systems and facilities may be recovered, they are of little value if employees are unavailable. –CERT training is one of the ways organizations can help ensure their employees can return to work as quickly as possible following a disaster.


17 CERT Is… A Serious Effort to Involve Community Members in Disaster Preparedness and Response

18 CERT Goal A network of teams who are trained by emergency service professionals that can be called upon during local emergency and disaster situations. Also CERT members are a volunteer resource for non-emergency preparedness projects.

19 CERT Training Modules Unit 1: Disaster Preparedness Unit 2: Fire Safety Unit 3: Disaster Medical Operations-Part 1 Unit 4: Disaster Medical Operations-Part 2 Unit 5: Light Search and Rescue Operations Unit 6: CERT Organization Unit 7: Disaster Psychology Unit 8: Terrorism and CERT Unit 9: Course Review and Disaster Simulation

20 History of CERT in NC 1997-1998  3 train-the-trainer classes held with 5 counties participating FY 2002-FY 2004  76 grants have been awarded by NC Citizen Corps to County Emergency Management Agencies to create Citizen Corps Councils and CERT teams Currently reviewing 56 grant proposals for Citizen Corps Councils, CERT teams, MRC units, and VIPS programs in the state. The state has conducted 28 train-the-trainer sessions since 2002.

21 CERT Disaster Response Activities Assisted in several out-of-state disasters (Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan, Katrina) Assisted in flooding in western NC in 2004 Assisted in Emergency Operations Centers Checked on senior citizens without electricity Assisted in American Red Cross shelters

22 CERT Non-Disaster Activities Traffic control for special events Crowd control for special events Preparedness education/outreach Market CERT; make speeches Member of other Citizen Corps Programs

23 Continuing Education Chainsaw Safety Shelter Operations Weather Spotter Search and Rescue CPR Damage Assessment Traffic Control Mass Care

24 SUCCESSES… Widespread interest among county administrators and citizens Recognition of CERT teams’ positive contribution to both disaster and non-disaster activities Passage of statewide liability coverage by 2005 General Assembly Counties and municipalities beginning to budget for CERT activities

25 NC CERT Goals… Statewide CERT association Continuing education for CERT instructors CERT curriculum for senior citizens and disabled population NC CERT website

26 919-715-8676 Cathy Henry, CERT Program Manager 336-312-2962

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