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Please turn in this week’s DMAs

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1 Please turn in this week’s DMAs
AP Psych DMA What do studies about daydreaming indicate about people who daydream? Describe Pavlov’s experiment with the dogs. Include the UCS and UCR. Please turn in this week’s DMAs

2 Today’s Agenda DMA Reminders Buy back info - quiz Homework:
Review for Final Exam Chapters 7 & 8 Homework: Final Exam – Friday, Feb. 3rd Quiz on chap. 5, 6,7 & 8 – Monday, Jan. 30th Quiz on Chap 9, 10, 11 & Prologue – Wednesday, Feb. 1st Today’s Agenda

3 AP Psych calendar at
Make sure that you download yesterday’s PowerPoint file for the Chapter 6 info AP Psych calendar at

4 Quiz Buy-Back Due Monday at the beginning of class
You will not have class time to work on it. Test questions, answers & answer key on the front table For EACH question you missed – write: The question # Explain why your answer is wrong The correct answer & why that answer is correct

5 Chapter 7

6 Waking Consciousness Consciousness
our awareness of ourselves and our environments

7 Discuss with a neighbor…
What is hypnosis? Discuss with a neighbor…

8 Hypnosis Posthypnotic Amnesia
supposed inability to recall what one experienced during hypnosis induced by the hypnotist’s suggestion “easy” to hypnotize people with rich fantasy lives.

9 Hypnosis Subjects were told to throw acid in a person’s face.
Hypnotized & unhypnotized people can behave in the same way.

10 Explaining Hypnosis

11 Organize these drugs into the correct category…
Marijuana Alcohol Heroin Cocaine Ecstasy Nicotine Meth Stimulant Depressant Hallucinogen

12 Psychoactive Drugs

13 Brain Waves and Sleep Stages
Alpha Waves slow waves of a relaxed, awake brain Delta Waves large, slow waves of deep sleep Hallucinations false sensory experiences

14 That is circadian rhythm?
Discuss with a neighbor

15 Nervous system is highly active Voluntary muscles hardly move
REM Sleep Nervous system is highly active Voluntary muscles hardly move

16 Sleep REM Rebound REM sleep increases following REM sleep deprivation
Dreams Usually occur during REM sleep Sleep cycle Repeats itself every 90 minutes

17 Dreams: Freud Sigmund Freud wish fulfillment
discharge otherwise unacceptable feelings Violence, erotic wishes... Manifest Content remembered story line Latent Content underlying meaning

18 Chapter 8

19 With a neighbor… Who was Baby Albert? Who were Watson and Rayner?
What is classical conditioning? Brainstorm 3 examples of operant conditioning.

20 Define & brainstorm examples of these terms With a neighbor….

21 Classical Conditioning
Spontaneous Recovery reappearance, after a rest period, of an extinguished CR Generalization tendency for stimuli similar to CS to elicit similar responses What is extinction?

22 Let’s create a cognitive map
Turn to a neighbor and give them directions to your house. The visual image in your brain is your cognitive map

23 Compare/contrast intrinsic & extrinsic motivation.
Discuss with a neighbor…

24 Operant Conditioning Operant Conditioning
type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by reinforcement or diminished if followed by punishment Law of Effect Thorndike’s Behaviors followed by favorable consequences become more likely Behaviors followed by unfavorable consequences become less likely

25 Operant Conditioning Reinforcer Shaping
any event that strengthens the behavior it follows Shaping operant conditioning procedure in which reinforcers guide behavior toward closer approximations of a desired goal

26 Principles of Reinforcement
Primary Reinforcer satisfies a biological need Conditioned Reinforcer stimulus that gains its reinforcing power through its association with primary reinforcer secondary reinforcer

27 Operant Chamber Skinner Box
chamber with a bar or key that an animal manipulates to obtain a food or water reinforcer contains devices to record responses

28 Schedules of Reinforcement
Fixed Ratio (FR) reinforces a response only after a specified number of responses faster you respond the more rewards you get very high rate of responding

29 Schedules of Reinforcement
Variable Ratio (VR) reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses average ratios like gambling, fishing very hard to extinguish because of unpredictability

30 Schedules of Reinforcement
Fixed Interval (FI) reinforces a response only after a specified time has elapsed response occurs more frequently as the anticipated time for reward draws near

31 Observational Learning
learning by observing others Modeling process of observing and imitating a specific behavior Prosocial Behavior positive, constructive, helpful behavior opposite of antisocial behavior

32 What was Bandura’s famous experiment? What were his findings?
Think about little kids beating up a Bobo doll….

33 Discuss with a neighbor…
What is punishment? Discuss with a neighbor…

34 Review/study chapters 5, 6, 7 & 8
You have a quiz on Monday…

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