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Exam Prep Section 1 Part 2:Road to Independence

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1 Exam Prep Section 1 Part 2:Road to Independence

2 Seven Years War: English were in huge debt!
For 150 years, the colonists lived peacefully under the king! The Seven Years War for the right to control much of North America, put Britain indebt. The king and the British Government thought of new ways to pay of this dept. One way was by taxing the colonists. Colonists did not have representation in the English parliament to vote for or against new taxes. They wanted this, the British government said “no”.

3 England wanted to put new taxes on the Colony
England places new taxes on the colonies. The colonies wanted a say in any new taxes, but the English said no. English pass the stamp act. This act required the colonists to put a stamp on everything they wanted on all written documents. Stamps were put on everything and costs the colonists money. They did not agree to this. This money went to England and not the colonies. There were protests that went nowhere. More taxes were placed on the colonies for importing all goods into the colonies, such as tea. Again, the colonies protested and tried blocking or not buying goods that came into the colonies!

4 British Pass the Tea Act
The Tea Act- This act made it mandatory for the colonists to purchase tea that was important from Britain and her other colonies. Colonists were not able to purchase this important good from any other country. Boston Tea Party- Colonists dumped hundreds of bails of tea into the harbor. In response, the British government responded with some intolerable acts to punish the colonists and to try and put down any more protests. The British government closed the port of Boston until the damage was paid back, no longer allowed English officials to be tried in the colonies for crimes or acts they committed, shut down the colonial government in Massachusetts, and ordered the colony to house troops in their homes.

5 Relationship between Brittan and the Colonies grew worse
Colonists protested against the King. Some of these protests would eventually get violent as people began to form local militias to fight English troops. Thomas Pane Wrote “Common Sense”. He argued that the colonies should declare independence from England and form their own government to govern themselves. Colony Created a Continental Congress- This Congress would approve the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, and passed on July 4th 1776.

6 Complaints against the King and Parliament
Individual Rights- rights were violated by the acts passed by parliament. Example: Stamp and Tea Acts Representation- British government did not allow for representation in their parliament by colonists whom were considered second class citizens, although it was never said that they were “second class”. Taxation- Taxes were passed to try and pay for the English War debt and so these taxes did not benefit the colonists directly, but were sent to Brittan, even though the money was paid by the colonists! Taxation for representation was wrong and unfair!

7 Declaration of Independence
Important Ideas in the Declaration of Independence – People have rights that can’t be taken away by government. This were called natural rights! Individuals have control over their lives, not governments. Individuals have the right to be free! Pursuit of Happiness means that people can do what makes them happy as long as they don’t violate other people’s rights. Government’s only job is to try and protect our rights.

8 Role of Government Government has a role to secure natural rights that people have. People then have the right to rule as long as they have the consent of the people. People have the right to end a government if the government does not meet people’s needs.

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