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Tools of the Historian.

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1 Tools of the Historian

2 Historians rely on calendars, or dating systems
to measure time. Western calendars begin with the year in which they believe Jesus Christ was born. The Jewish calendar begins about 3,760 years before the Christian calendar. Muslims begin their calendar from the time their first leader, Mohammad left the city of Mecca for Medina in A.D. 622.


4 B.C. and A.D. To date events before the birth of Christ, historians
count backwards from A.D. So—170 B.C. is older than 160 B.C. A.D. stands for anno domini, a Latin phrase meaning “in the year of our Lord.” Using A.D., historians count forward starting at A.D. 1


6 PERIODS IN HISTORY Historians divide history into blocks of time known as eras or periods. A period of 10 years is called a DECADE. A period of 100 years is known as a CENTURY.

7 Prehistory is defined as the period in history before writing was invented.
Ancient history is considered to be the time period from about 5,500 years ago to around A.D. 500. The Middle Ages, or the Medieval period, lasts from A.D. 500 to about A.D Modern history is considered to be from 1500 to the present.



10 Middle ages or Medieval period

11 Modern history

12 Chronology and timelines
Historians use chronology to focus on the order of dates in which things happen. An easy way to show the order of events is to display them on a timeline.



15 The role of the historian
Historians ask many questions. Why did certain events occur? Why was John F. Kennedy murdered. How would U.S. history be different if he had lived?


17 How would U.S. history be different if the Japanese had not bombed Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941?

18 The USS West Virginia during Pearl Harbor Raid

19 Why did certain historical people behave in certain ways
Why did certain historical people behave in certain ways? Why did Adolph Hitler hate all Jewish people?

20 ADOLPh Hitler and jewish prisoners

21 Primary and secondary sources
Historians use primary and secondary sources to help find out the truth about a certain event or person.

22 Primary sources Primary sources are firsthand pieces of evidence from people who saw or experienced an event. Examples of primary sources could include:

23 Examples of Primary sources
Diaries, letter, official documents, poems, clothing, tools, autobiography, photos.

24 SECONDARY SOURCES Secondary sources are created after the events by people who played no part in them. Examples of secondary sources could include:

25 Examples of secondary sources

26 Can sources be trusted? Some key terms
Historians examine sources for credibility, or truthfulness. This is because each source reflects a point of view. Sometimes a point of view is biased, or is an opinion that is based on an unreasoned, emotional judgment about people and events. Historians must piece together all of their sources, filter through the evidence, and use their knowledge of the past to interpret, or explain the meaning of events.

LOCATION: Absolute Location refers to the exact spot of a place on the earth’s surface. Relative location tells where a place is, compared with one or more other places.

28 PLACE Place describes all of the characteristics that give an area its own special quality. For example, its physical features such mountains, streams, lakes, etc. and its human characteristics such as language, religion, and architecture.

29 Human/environment interaction
This refers to the interaction people have with their surroundings. In other words, how have peoples environment helped or hindered their activities.

30 Movement How do people in one area relate to people in other areas?
Throughout history people, goods, and information have moved from place to place. Transportation is the movement of people and goods. Communication is the movement of ideas and information.

31 REGION Historians often view places or areas as regions.
A region is an area defined by common features. Regions can be defined by physical features, or by human features such as religion, language, or livelihood.

32 WHAT IS AN ATLAS An atlas is a book of maps showing different parts of the world. Maps that show political events, such as invasions, battles, and boundary changes are called historical maps.

33 Atlas example

34 Historical map showing western expansion in the u.s. 1815-1845

35 HISTORICAL ROUTES Historical routes are roads over which goods and people have travelled all through history. They often contain map keys that show the different goods that are exchanged from region to region.

36 The silk road

37 The Lewis and clark expedition

38 Columbus’ voyages

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