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The Reformation and Counter Reformation

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1 The Reformation and Counter Reformation
The 1500s

2 Loss of Church Power: Causes
Christian humanists criticized abuses of the Church indulgences worldly and secular immorality poorly educated

3 Event 10/ 31/ 17- Luther posted his 95 Theses
Point: Salvation though faith alone

4 Disputation of Dr. Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences
#21 “Therefore, those preachers of indulgences are in error, who say that by the pope’s indulgences a man is freed from every penalty, and saved.” #35 “They preach no Christian doctrine who teach that contrition is not necessary in those who intend to buy souls out of purgatory to buy confessionalia.

5 Effect pope and HRE mad 1520- Luther excommunicated and declared a heretic 1521- Edict of Worms- declared him an outlaw

6 Spread of Protestantism: Cause
Criticism of the Church continued Groups disagree about salvation

7 John Calvin- Wrote his doctrine on Predestination
Protestant groups divided over salvation and other issues Lutherans Calvinists Anabaptists…

8 Counter Reformation: 1545- Pope called the Council of Trent
To fix Church problems and prevent the spread of Protestantism

9 Effects: Confirmed faith AND works Bible AND Church authority
Actions to end criticism: Inquisition- court to try and punish heresy Index- list of books dangerous to the faith Reform seminaries to train priests Est. Jesuits to educate and re-convert

10 Political responses to the Reformation

11 Holy Roman Empire: Charles V- Holy Roman Emperor
Most powerful ruler in Europe 1534- Wars of Religion To bring German princes back to the Church

12 Effect 1555- Peace of Augsburg
The religion of the prince is the religion of the people Religious freedom for Lutherans

13 Peace of Augsburg, 1555 #15. In order to bring peace… let them (Lutherans) enjoy their religious belief… and complete religious harmony shall be obtained… #16. Likewise…. let all the Princes who cling to the old religion (Catholics) live in absolute peace… #17. However, all such as do not belong to the two above named religions shall not be included in the present peace, but be totally excluded from it.

14 France 1562-1589- EIGHT religious wars 1598- Edict of Nantes
Valois kings want France to be Catholic EIGHT religious wars 1598- Edict of Nantes Religious freedom for Huguenots #6…. We… permit those of the Reformed Religion to live and… not be compelled to do anything contrary to their conscience…

15 England Henry VIII was excommunicated
Got a divorce from Catherine of Aragon cuz didn’t have a male heir/ no woman had ever controlled the throne

16 Event 1534- Act of Supremacy
The King’s Majesty is… the supreme head of the Church of England…

17 Effect Closed monasteries Seized Church’s wealth and land Catholics 
Decreased Church power

18 Cause 1558- Queen Mary died without an heir 1559- Act of Uniformity
Elizabeth I- Protestant 1559- Act of Uniformity England officially protestant

19 England became a political problem to other nations
Effect Church lost power England became a political problem to other nations

20 Spain Phillip II wanted all lands to be Catholic- continued the Inquisition

21 Event 1579- England aided Protestant rebellion in Netherlands
Philip II  with Elizabeth I 1588- Spanish Armada sent to begin invasion of England Defeated by faster/ better armed ships and a storm at sea

22 Effect Decreased power of Spain and Church English dominated oceanic trade


24 Russia 1480- Mongols kicked out 1533- Ivan IV, Tsar of Russia
City states disorganized 1533- Ivan IV, Tsar of Russia Created a law code Expanded territory Established a police state Time of Troubles

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