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Congestion Control.

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Presentation on theme: "Congestion Control."— Presentation transcript:

1 Congestion Control

2 Algorithms for Congestion Control
C.c. open loop acting on SOURCE acting on DESTINATION c.c. closed loop explicit feedback implicit feedback

3 Influence on Congestion
Data Link level retransmission policy out-of-order packet caching confirmation policy flux control policy Network level virtual circuit or datagrams management of packets in routers packet elimination policy routing algorithms management of “time-to-live” Transport level establishing the TIME OUT

4 QOS for transport layer
Connection establishment delay; connection establishment failure probability; transit delay; residence error rate; transfer error probability; connection release delay; connection release failure probability; protection; resilience; option negociation;

5 The token bucket algorithm
C+*S = M*S S = C/(M - ) S - the output burst length (sec); C - the bucket capacity (nr. bytes);  - the arriving token rate ( bytes/sec); M - the maximum output rate (bytes/sec)

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