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Disorders Eva- 8m.

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1 Disorders Eva- 8m

2 What is Anxiety and how its caused.
What is it? /3 Anxiety is a term for many disorders that cause nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worrying. How is it caused? /2 Anxiety disorders could be caused by environmental factors, medical factors, genetics, brain chemistry, substance abuse, or a combination of these. It is most commonly triggered by the stress in our lives. Picture of disease/disorder /3

3 Anxiety symptoms, treatment and contagious?
What are the symptoms? /2 There are a lot of symptoms for anxiety such as, fear, uneasiness, sleep problems, cold, sweaty, numb, inability to be still and shortness of breath. What is the treatment? /2 Most people go to counseling but it is possible to find help within yourself. psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, and medications are all different ways of getting over anxiety. Can it affect everyone? /2 Although it is not contagious, we are all open to the possibility of anxiety. A test, important task or responsibilities can all trigger anxiety. Anxiety symptoms, treatment and contagious?

4 Organ system, organs and what it affects.
Which system does it affect? /1 Anxiety occurs in many organ systems like cardiovascular system. Which organs in the system does it affect? /1 Heart, blood vessels in the arms and legs, esophagus, stomach, nose, mouth and intestine. Does it affect more than just the system you chose system /2 Yes, it also affects, gastrointestinal system, respiratory systems and muscular system Organ system, organs and what it affects.

5 Function and organs. Describe the function of the affected body system (from slide 4) /3 The cardiovascular system transports oxygen, food and other substances throughout the body. List the organs involved with this system /2 Heart, blood vessels in the arms and legs, esophagus, stomach, nose, mouth and intestine. Picture of the body system /2

6 Sources Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments - Medical News Today
Anxiety Disorders: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment …

7 SCIENCE 8 Cells and Systems Unit Project Choose one disorder, disease or medical condition that could happen in one of the body systems: (digestive, circulatory, respiratory, excretory, skeletal, muscular or nervous). You can present the information in format of choice: poster, google slides Describe the disorder or disease: Slide 1:Title of disease/disorder /1 Slide 2: What is it? /3 How is it caused? /2 Picture of disease/disorder /3 Slide 3: What are the symptoms? /2 What is the treatment? /2 Can it affect everyone? /2 Slide 4: Which system does it affect? /1 Which organs in the system does it affect? /1 Does it affect more than just the system you chose (eg: lung cancer affects the respiratory system but can also affect the circulatory system) /2 Slide 5 Describe the function of the affected body system (from slide 4) /3 List the organs involved with this system /2 Picture of the body system /2 Slide 6: Sources /2 Creativity of slides /2 OUT OF 30

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