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 Take care of your mouse.  Stay in your seat.  Remember which picture is your mouse.  Park your mouse at the top of the slide before answering.

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Presentation on theme: " Take care of your mouse.  Stay in your seat.  Remember which picture is your mouse.  Park your mouse at the top of the slide before answering."— Presentation transcript:







7  Take care of your mouse.  Stay in your seat.  Remember which picture is your mouse.  Park your mouse at the top of the slide before answering a question at the blue parking spot.

8 Yes No Q1. The heart is part of the circulatory system

9 Yes No Q2. Blood vessels are part of the circulatory system

10 Yes No Q3. The lungs are part of the respiratory system

11 Yes No Q4. The nose is part of the digestive system

12 Yes No Q5. The stomach is part of the digestive system

13 Q6. The small intestine is part of the circulatory system respiratory system digestive system excretory system

14 Q7. The kidneys are part of the circulatory system respiratory system digestive system excretory system

15 Q8. The voicebox, trachea and bronchus is part of the circulatory system respiratory system digestive system excretory system

16 Q9. The heart and blood vessels are part of the circulatory system respiratory system digestive system excretory system

17 Q10. The bladder is part of the circulatory system respiratory system digestive system excretory system

18 Q11. What is the job of the circulatory system? to get food to get rid of wastes and excess water to deliver oxygen and food and to carry carbon dioxide to get oxygen from the air and get rid of carbon dioxide from the body

19 Q12. What is the job of the respiratory system? to get food to get rid of wastes and excess water to deliver oxygen and food and to carry carbon dioxide to get oxygen from the air and get rid of carbon dioxide from the body

20 Q13. What is the job of the digestive system? to get food to get rid of wastes and excess water to deliver oxygen and food and to carry carbon dioxide to get oxygen from the air and get rid of carbon dioxide from the body

21 Q14. What is the job of the excretory system? to get food to get rid of wastes and excess water to deliver oxygen and food and to carry carbon dioxide to get oxygen from the air and get rid of carbon dioxide from the body

22 Q15. Draw a dot to show the location of the heart Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4 Group 5Group 6 Group 7

23 Q16. Draw a dot to show the location of the lungs Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4 Group 5Group 6 Group 7

24 Q17. Draw a dot to show the location of the kidneys Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4 Group 5Group 6 Group 7

25 Q18. Draw a dot to show the location of the stomach Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4 Group 5Group 6 Group 7

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