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S.D.Asfendiyarov Kazakh National medical university

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1 S.D.Asfendiyarov Kazakh National medical university
The specific features of teaching Russian language in the context of trilingual education at higher education institutions in Kazakhstan Senior lecturer of S.D.Asfendiyarov KazNMU chair of Russian language and professional Russian language with a course of Latin language BOTATAYEVA U.A.

2 The idea of trilingual education was introduced in the State program for the functioning and developing languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan for years..

3 The official status of the Russian language in Kazakhstan is defined as follows: "in State institutions and local self-administrative bodies the Russian language is officially used with the Kazakh language" (Constitution, art. 7; 1995, Language law, art. 5).

4 The value of the Russian language in our Republic remains important -it is widely used in manufacturing, the economy, science and technology, in the field of new technologies, as well as a working language of the United Nations and the actual language of the CIS.

5 In 2012 the number of schools with Russian medium of instruction in Kazakhstan was 19%, in 2014-18%.
Starting from 2013 a subject "Kazakh literature” is taught in Kazakh in schools with Russian medium of instruction; Starting from 2014 teaching “History" and “Geography of Kazakhstan» are conducted in Kazakh .

6 From the academic year teaching in three languages — English, Kazakh and Russian — is conducted across 32 universities of Kazakhstan on the specializations related to pedagogy and STEM subjects Polylingual education program enrolled more than 5.5 thousand students.

7 Almost every Kazakhstani university has the departments with Russian language of teaching, 25% of grants from the State budget were allocated for these departments in 2015 In ,6% ( grants out of ).

8 Russian language in Kazakhstan is the compulsory part of the unified State educational standard. Its functioning is carried out in two different sectors due to the objectives, scope and structure : 1) Russian language as a language of teaching at the educational institutions of all types and levels: at schools with Russian language of teaching, at "Russian" departments of colleges, universities, at masterships, doctorates; 2) Russian language as a subject of study at the educational institutions of all types : as a second (non-native) language for schools with non-Russian language of teaching; for Kazakh departments of colleges, universities, etc.; as a foreign language for citizens of foreign countries.

9 In 2011 the disciplines «Professional Kazakh (Russian) language» were introduced into the standard undergraduate curricula.

10 The advantages of using the Russian language
  in higher education in Kazakhstan are the followings: - the availability of the conceptual scope of the specific subject area; the lack of difficulty in listening and the perception of scientific speech by ear; opportunity to appeal to the established ideas based on the native / second language, which is one of the motivating factors for learning Russian; - a high level of proficiency in Russian, which is a characteristic for the Kazakh students (both in Russian and Kazakh university departments) allows to use specific methods of teaching the theoretical cycle disciplines.

11 Students number, total number Among them trained
Region Students number, total number Among them trained In the Kazakh language In the Russian language Kazakhstan Akmola 13 787 5 206 8 581 Aktobe 23 821 16 610 7 211 Almaty 10 701 6 672 2 288 Atyrau 11 347 8 104 3 243 West Kazakhstan Region 25 517 16 377 9 140 Zhambyl 26 805 22 593 4 212 Karaganda 46 449 19 541 26 544 Kostanai 22 349 4 535 17 659 Kyzylorda 13 772 13 330 442 Mangystau 5 739 4 222 1 517 South Kazakhstan Region 74 564 62 794 11 395 Pavlodar 15 257 4 419 10 838 North Kazakhstan Region 5 846 1 148 4 698 East Kazakhstan Region 29 220 15 364 13 684 Astana city 53 561 25 637 25 925 Almaty city 78 525 64 038

12 In the English language
Region Students total number Among them trained In the English language In the German language Other languages Kazakhstan 10 679 39 16 Akmola 13 787 Aktobe 23 821 Almaty 10 701 1 725 Atyrau 11 347 West Kazakhstan Region 25 517 Zhamby 26 805 Karaganda 46 449 364 Kostanai 22 349 155 Kyzylordа 13 772 Mangystau 5 739 South Kazakhstan Region 74 564 375 Pavlodar 15 257 North Kazakhstan Region 5 846 East Kazakhstan Region 29 220 172 City of Astana 53 561 1 999 City of Almaty 5 889

13 The proportion of students enrolled in the state language, %
Region Students total number The proportion of students enrolled in the state language, % Kazakhstan 57, 87 Akmola 13 787 37, 76 Aktobe 23 821 69, 73 Almaty 10 701 62, 35 Atyrau 11 347 71, 42 West Kazakhstan Region 25 517 64, 18 Zhambyl 26 805 84, 29 Karaganda 46 449 42, 07 Kostanai 22 349 20, 29 Kyzylorda 13 772 96, 79 Mangystau 5 739 73, 57 South Kazakhstan Region 74 564 84, 21 Pavlodar 15 257 28, 96 North Kazakhstan Region 5 846 19, 64 East Kazakhstan Region 29 220 52, 58 City of Astana 53 561 47, 87 City of Almaty 52, 88

14 Today there is no standard for teaching Russian language in a similar European way.
The lack of Standards of teaching three languages does not allow to have a single regulatory - control and informative base as well as an unified control and evaluation mechanism of multilingual education.

15 Russian Language training
in Kazakhstan universities should be based on the principle of equation of the state (Kazakh) and official (Russian) languages in the educational content.

16 The specific character of training Russian in the higher schools of Kazakhstan causes necessity to develop the Language standard on the basis of the comparative level models of training, as well as retraining the new up-to-date pedagogical staff


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