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Fig. 1. Phenotypes of RasV12 transformed Drosophila lines

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1 Fig. 1. Phenotypes of RasV12 transformed Drosophila lines
Fig. 1. Phenotypes of RasV12 transformed Drosophila lines.(A) Increased size of wing discs and salivary glands in RasV12-expressing larvae. Phenotypes of RasV12 transformed Drosophila lines.(A) Increased size of wing discs and salivary glands in RasV12-expressing larvae. Wing disc and salivary gland size was determined in the indicated genotypes using ImageJ. Both RasV12 wing discs and salivary glands (grey bar) are significantly larger than parental controls (white bars) (at p = 2.97 E−07 (Bx-Gal) and (UAS-RasV12), respectively, for the wing discs and 2.53 E−18 and 1.14 E−17, respectively, for the salivary glands). (B) Melanization in flies and larvae expressing RasV12. Left: wild-type fly (w1118). Right: Bx-GAL4;tub-GAL80ts/UAS-RasV12 flies at 18°C, 23°C and pupa at 29°C (note the melanotic spot in the pupa indicated by an arrow). Scale bar: 1 mm. Thomas Hauling et al. Biology Open 2014;3: © Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd

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