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Digital Photo Management for Libraries May 19, 12:00 pm Laura Solomon An Webinar Infopeople webinars are supported.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Photo Management for Libraries May 19, 12:00 pm Laura Solomon An Webinar Infopeople webinars are supported."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Photo Management for Libraries May 19, 2010 @ 12:00 pm Laura Solomon An Webinar Infopeople webinars are supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.

2 Todays agenda Flickr Picasa Facebook, Photobucket and Online photo editors Some things to think about

3 Flickr (

4 Flickr is freemium

5 Built-in photo uploader

6 Extra upload settings

7 Flickr Organizr

8 Tagging is essential

9 Galleries

10 Flickr groups

11 Custom URL

12 Other Flickr features Built-in feeds Support for OpenStreetMap and Foursquare People tagging Official app for iPhone

13 Downsides of Flickr Ad-based model Somewhat more complex UI No high-quality images


15 Picasa

16 Picasa is free…sort of

17 Picasas interface

18 Features Download to Picasa Unlimited albums Geotagging People tagging Direct import from cameras Webcam videos Email high rez photos

19 Weaknesses of Picasa Fewer features All real work has to be done in the client Inventories everything No sub-albums (but neither does Flickr)

20 Picasa extensions

21 Picasa for patrons

22 Apples to oranges?

23 (Photoshop Express)

24 Photobucket

25 Facebook

26 Working with photos

27 DPI What is it? What is the goal? How do you get a higher resolution?

28 Why resizing isnt the answer

29 Optimizing for the web

30 Photo editors

31 Picnik

32 Web Resizer

33 Aviary

34 Photo management in action

35 The Flickr Commons

36 Library of Congress on Flickr

37 Group photo pools

38 Quick comparisons Complet ely free Emphasizes social Includes image editor Good for patron work Can upload video Flickr XXX Picasa XX Photobucket X Photoshop Express XX Facebook XXX

39 Why do this, anyway?

40 My contact info Laura Solomon ( Twitter: @laurasolomon Facebook: Blog: What Does This Mean to Me, Laura?

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