Six Non-verbal Habits of an Effective Listener

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Presentation on theme: "Six Non-verbal Habits of an Effective Listener"— Presentation transcript:

1 Six Non-verbal Habits of an Effective Listener
S mile- to show you’re open-minded & make the speaker at ease O pen Posture- face speaker without crossing arms or legs F ocus- give full attention T ilt Forward- lean forward to show interest E ye Contact- lets the speaker know you’re paying attention N od- lets the speaker know you heard what was said LifeKnowledge® MS 39 TM A

2 Paraphrasing Benefits Increases the accuracy of information
Helps to build relationships Confirms your understanding LifeKnowledge® MS 39 TM B1

3 Paraphrasing Key ideas Don’t be critical or judgmental of speaker.
Repeat the speaker’s message in your own words. Express your opinion after you’ve confirmed you heard the message correctly. LifeKnowledge® MS 39 TM B2

4 Paraphrasing Sample phrases “So what you mean is …” “You’re saying …”
“If I understand you correctly, …” LifeKnowledge® MS 39 TM B3

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