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How we support students

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Presentation on theme: "How we support students"— Presentation transcript:

1 How we support students
Ensuring they know about all options available and how to research Help them complete all applications, including for those who don’t want to go to university Personal one-to-one advice Support with personal statements Support with applications to competitive universities and courses Mock interviews/help with admissions tests Advice on preparing

Study part time and work Internship Study abroad WORK UNIVERSITY Foundation year Get a job to start earning Study as a full time student in UK Distance learning Degree Job to save money before uni APPRENTICESHIP GAP YEAR Advanced Travel Higher Work experience Volunteering ART FOUNDATION CONSERVATOIRE

3 Studying Abroad Choice: expanding your search to include courses and experiences on offer globally opens up new options. Environment: fully immerse yourself in a new place and different cultures – maybe even pick up a new language! Tuition fees: studying abroad can be cheaper and many courses are offered in English. Motivation: applying for a degree abroad is more complicated – there’s no equivalent of UCAS! – so you’ll need to research and complete individual applications. Living abroad: prepare yourself for a culture shock – longing for home comforts will be normal! Getting home: another cost to factor in – though it’s easier than ever to stay in touch with family and friends.

4 Distance Learning Flexibility: study wherever and whenever it suits you, great if you need to fit study around other commitments. Cost: distance-learning courses often cost less – plus there’s usually financial support options available. Work and study: carry on working while enhancing your future career prospects. Qualifications: distance-learning courses have the same status as campus courses. Try it out: Open University and FutureLearn provide taster materials and free online courses to see if it suits you. Environment: your experience will be less immersive than a ‘typical’ student lifestyle. Study style: less face-to-face time with students and tutors; independent study is the norm. Self-motivation: it can be tough when you’re juggling other commitments to keep going. Commitment: it will take longer to complete your course and gain your qualification.

5 Apprenticeships Choice: 28,000 apprenticeship vacancies available in more than 1,500 roles at organisations including BMW, BBC and Deloitte. Learn and earn: apprenticeships allow you the chance to earn a wage between minimum wage and £300 per week. Qualifications: gain a qualification and hands- on experience. Opportunities to progress: a degree apprenticeship can also lead to a university degree – without the tuition fees. Long-term career prospects: 90% of apprentices stay employed after they finish. Choice: fewer apprenticeships on offer than university courses available. Competitive: that means investing time on a convincing application and interview practice. Motivation: it’ll be hard work from day one! Responsibilities: you will need to juggle work, study and exams. Commitment: apprenticeships can take several years to complete.

6 University applications (UK)

7 Entry Requirements! The Course The Institution Course content
Qualifications Single/Joint Honours Modular/Combined Postgraduate opportunities Teaching style Assessment Timing of assessment Year in industry/abroad Field trips/visits The Institution Study facilities Leisure and entertainment Campus/city Cost of living Accommodation Opportunities to work Location

8 What makes up an application?
Online application via UCAS Includes: Reference and predicted grades (early Sept 2019) Personal statement Admissions tests Interviews Possibility of additional documents

9 The Personal Statement
What you want to study Why you want to study it Evidence of responsibility and initiative Super curricular activities Extra-curricular activities Why a gap year? 70% academic

10 The Personal Statement
Ideas for super curricular activities: Books Ted talks Mooks (FutureLearn) Museum visits Documentaries Public Lectures Depth over breadth! EPQ is great thing to talk about!

11 The Reference and Predicted Grades
Predicted grades are optimistic, but not unrealistic. Students receive them in Sept. Positive and honest account of student’s achievement and potential. Written by subject teachers, form tutors and edited by sixth form team, checked and signed by Miss Green Health or personal circumstances affecting results

12 Admissions Tests Required for a range of courses and universities
UKCAT for nearly all medical schools, dentistry and some veterinary sciences BMAT for all other medical schools and some biological sciences as well as veterinary sciences LNAT for law at many institutions MAT, STEP, ELAT, HAT + others for Oxbridge courses and some other selective universities Students need to check carefully on university websites to see if an admissions test is required

13 UKCAT and LNAT taken at external centres, students register themselves with their selected centre
All other tests taken in school. Registration opens 1st Sept, deadline for entry is 15th Oct for all except BMAT and STEP. This year tests are sat on Weds 30th Oct (half term) BMAT deadline is 1st Oct for standard entry and 15th Oct for late entry (late entry fees apply) More information at

14 Interviews All Oxbridge All medicine
Many physiotherapy/nursing/veterinary sciences Some other courses and universities We will support students with preparation and mock interviews.

15 Paying and sending online does not send form to UCAS!
How to apply Students apply online at must link to the school, buzzword is cygnet20 Students fill in all sections, including draft of personal statement When form is completed they need to pay and send and take a printed copy to Mrs Surrage. This needs to be done by the Cherwell internal deadlines. We can then unlock applications for students to edit if needed. When completed student resends, tell myself or Mrs Surrage and we send it to UCAS. Paying and sending online does not send form to UCAS!

16 Calendar Jan 19 – onwards Students receive advice
4th Sept Applications accepted (can pay and send) 16th Sept Cherwell internal deadline for Oxbridge, medicine, dentistry and veterinary science 15th Oct UCAS deadline for schools to send final application for Oxbridge, medicine, dentistry and vet sciences 18th Oct Cherwell internal deadline for all other applications

17 15th January 2020 UCAS deadline for schools to send final application for all other applications Date application sent-April 2020 Students receive offers May-June 2020 Deadline for choosing firm and insurance 30th June 2020 Clearing opens August 2020 Results/clearing/adjustment

18 Further information UCAS website University websites
Find and apprenticeship website Open days Which? University Uni Stats Admissions testing service Family/teachers/friends

19 Higher Education Coordinator
Miss Green Careers Adviser Mr Davis

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