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Ungraded quiz Unit 2.

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1 Ungraded quiz Unit 2

2 Show me your fingers Do not shout out the answer, or your classmates will follow what you said. Use your fingers One finger (the right finger) = A Two fingers = B Three fingers = C Four fingers = D No finger = I don’t know. I didn’t study

3 What is the author of The end of faith?
Sam Harris Daniel Dennett Victor Stenger Richard Dawkins

4 What is the author of God Delusion?
Sam Harris Daniel Dennett Victor Stenger Richard Dawkins

5 What of the following statements is UNTRUE?
Sam Harris asserted that religion is unscientific, false, and dangerous Richard Dawkins said that religion is a mental virus and scientists should never invoke a complicated super-being to explain natural phenomena. John Polkinghorne argued that reality is multi-faceted and thus religion and science are compatible. Andrew Greeley maintained that psychology can explain the purpose of life.

6 Which of the following statements is UNTRUE?
Both psychology and Christians theology are aware of human weaknesses and sinful nature. Christianity emphasizes divine grace whereas psychoanalysis advocates unconditional positive regard. Stanley Milgram, Philip Zimbardo, and Reinhold Niebuhr found that well-intended individuals could be driven by evil situations to do bad things. None of the above

7 Which of the following statements is David Myers’s position on sexual orientation?
Homosexuality is mostly caused by child abuse or overprotective mothering. Active faith can effectively change one’s sexual orientation. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can effectively change one’s sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is not a moral issue.

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