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M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism.

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Presentation on theme: "M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism

2 Militarism What is militarism? Desire for war Bismarck

3 Alliances What is an alliance? Who allied with whom?
Central Powers Allied Powers What kind of tensions would this cause?

4 Imperialism ….Think Colonies (British Empire)
Domination of one country over another country: politically, economically, and socially

5 Nationalism Pride of one’s nation
In WWI nationalism became aggressive-this resulted in internal conflict

6 The Spark of War

7 Who’s Who? Emperor Austria/King of Hungary Archduke Francis Ferdinand
Francis Joseph Archduke Francis Ferdinand Nephew and Heir to Austro-Hungary Empire

8 Black Hand a.k.a Unit on Death Plan assassination of Francis Ferdinand
Serbian nationalists 7 men Gun men Gavrilo Princip 19 year old Plan assassination of Francis Ferdinand Why? Wanted individual freedom for Slavic states Get attention of Austria-Hungary leaders

9 The Motorcade Sarajevo, Capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina

10 European Response Germany- Austria-Hungary
Gave Austria-Hungary support to deal with the assassination as they saw fit Austria-Hungary Tells Serbia they must find the killers If you don’t let us Bigger consequences Serbia said “No”

11 “Powder Keg” New Alliances July 28, 1914 Austria-Hungary
Germany and Austria Russia and Serbia July 28, 1914 Austria-Hungary Mobiles for war Ultimatum* Germany to Russia Stop mobilization or you will go to war with us (Germany) Germany and Russia War Aug 1, 1914

12 What was Europe to do? France Belgium and Luxembourg
Was “asked” to stay neutral by Germany France sides with Russia Germany declares war on France Belgium and Luxembourg Germany wants to march across to get to France mess with Belgium's neutrality Side with France

13 Britain Stays un-allied until Germany declares war on Belgium who won’t let Germany into their county Aug 4, 1914 Britain declares war on Germany to come to the aid of Belgium.

14 Sides Central Powers ________Powers Germany Austria-Hungary
Ottoman Empire Bulgaria ________Powers Serbia Russia France Britain Luxembourg Belgium Italy *Australia *New Zealand USA

15 “Right against Might” Patriotism breaks out

16 Exit Card: Interpret this cartoon. What is the artist’s message
Exit Card: Interpret this cartoon. What is the artist’s message? Justify your answer.

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