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Presentation on theme: "BOOK REPORT RUBRIC."— Presentation transcript:


2 CONTENT Sense of protagonist’s nature is revealed . 10
Antagonist revealed. 10 Conflict revealed. 10 Resolution (or reasons why it can’t be resolved) revealed. 5 Name of character.5 Name of book. 5 Name of author.5 Setting revealed when possible. 5

3 POETIC FORM Followed perfectly __ 10
Followed with one or two errors___ 7 Followed with more than two errors___ 5

4 GRAMMAR, USAGE and MECHANICS Perfect - 5 One or two errors – 3 More - 0
Sentences flow…make sense. Capitalization is used correctly. Punctuation is used correctly. (Periods end sentences, quotes where needed, commas where needed, title of book is underlined or italized.)

5 PRESENATION Font is correct size for paper (not too large or small for poem) 5 Contrast in font color and paper color make the poem readable. 5 An eye-catching visual is used. 5 Name and period number are typed in lower right hand corner. 5

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