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Taft and Wilson.

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1 Taft and Wilson

2 I. Taft’s Administration
A. Taft pursued a cautiously progressive agenda, which upset many of the Progressives in the Republican Party

3 II. Roosevelt Returns A) Roosevelt challenged T aft for the Republican nomination in 1912. B) Taft wins the nomination but the progressive party nominates Roosevelt as their nominee and they become known as the Bull Moose Party.



6 Election of 1912

7 III. Wilson’s Presidency
A. Two Key Antitrust Measures 1) Clayton Antitrust Act More Trust Busting. 2) Federal Trade Commission Protects Consumer and even more trust busting.

8 B. Federal Reserve System
Manages the economy by changing interest rates. - High interest rates are used to fight inflation -Low interest rates encourage borrowing and spending

9 IV. Women win suffrage A) In 1919 Congress passed the 19th amendment giving women the right to vote

10 V. Wilson drops the ball on Civil Rights
Wilson gained the support of the NAACP during the election. However, his record on civil rights was very disappointing. 1) He did not support a federal anti-lynching law.

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