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SAT List #2 5 on front, 5 on back- space out!

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1 SAT List #2 5 on front, 5 on back- space out!
amorphous animosity anomaly antipathy apex approbatory ascertain assuage astute audacity

2 Here we go again! 1. After I dropped my ice cream, it melted into an amorphous, sticky mess. (adj) lacking definite form; shapeless 2. Ms. Wu felt great animosity towards the person who put a cockroach on her desk. (n) a feeling of strong dislike; ill will 3. Receiving an “F” on the test was an anomaly for the straight “A” student. (n) a deviation from the norm

3 Approbatory = :) 4. Most people have a natural antipathy towards snakes. (n) a natural dislike, aversion; opposition of feelings 5. Our goal was to reach the apex of the mountain by noon. (n) the tip, point, or vertex 6. I knew I made a good choice when my dad gave an approbatory nod. (adj) approving

4 Ascertain = Fo'sho 7. In order to ascertain what the homework assignment was, Rob called his classmate. (v) to find out definitely; to discover or establish 8. The hug and kind words helped assuage her feelings of grief. (v) to relieve, appease; soothe

5 Two down, 18 to go! 9. Mary made an astute observation about the symbolism in the story. (adj) clever, cunning; quick to see how to gain advantage; keen observation 10. The student had the audacity to ask the teacher for credit on the test even after he admitted to cheating. (n) boldness, daring, esp. with confidence or arrogance

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