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Presentation on theme: "APRIL PBIS WORDS OF WISDOM “ BUILDING OUR CHARACTER MUSCLES “"— Presentation transcript:


2 CHARACTER Integrity “A fair character is a fair fortune.” Irish words of wisdom Monday/April 4

3 DEALING WITH ANGER Choices Ask yourself these 2 questions. What do I choose to do when I am angry? Do I deal with my anger in a way that does not hurt others? Tuesday/April 5

4 CHARACTER Caring “It is important for people to know what you stand for. If you do not stand for something, you will fall for anything.” Mary Waldrip Wed./April 6

5 RESPONSIBILITY In the story, Little Tarzan stepped forward and bravely said, “It was my fault”. Be like little Tarzan and be a person who takes responsibility for his or her choices. Thursday/April 7

6 KINDNESS Recycling Kind words and deeds really never get thrown away; they just get recycled. When you are kind to others, somewhere, somehow, a kindness will come back to you. Ask yourself: Am I recycling a little kindness in the world? Fri./April 8

7 PATIENCE Keep Trying “He who has no patience has nothing at all.” Italian words of wisdom Mon./April 11

8 CHARACTER Reputation “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches.” Christian proverb Tue./April 12

9 RESPONSIBILITY Trustworthiness “If someone gives you a privilege, you owe him a responsibility.” Unknown author Wed./April 13

10 COURAGE Doing What Is Right “Few persons have courage enough to admit their faults.” Old American proverb Thursday/April 14

11 RESPONSIBILITY Leadership “Good character depends upon the choices you make.” American proverb Friday/April 15

12 CITIZENSHIP Choices “I am interested in young people because the character of our country will be shaped by young people in the days ahead.” American philanthropist, Walter Annenberg Monday/April 18

13 RESPONSIBILITY Positive Attitude “Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” Abraham Lincoln Tuesday/April 19

14 SELF-DISCIPLINE Responsibility “My daddy use to ask us whether the teacher had given us homework. If we said no, he would say, ‘Well, assign assign yourself.” Marian Wright Edelman, a teacher Wed./April 20

15 COOPERATION Work Ethic Remember the camel who at first was lazy and selfish in doing his work. Later, the camel become helpful and cooperated and got his work done. Arabic legend Tuesday/April 21

16 HONESTY Character Each day…REMEMBER: The habits we form as young people follow us through our lives. Make it a habit to be honest. Wed./April 22

17 HONESTY Conscience “A person’s true character shows when nobody is looking.” American words of wisdom Monday/April 25

18 RESPONSIBILITY Conscience and Doing What is Right The feeling we get that is deep down inside of ourselves and tells us NOT to do something if it is wrong…is our conscience. Let your conscience be your guide. Tuesday/April 26

19 RESPONSIBILITY Doing What Is Right “When I was little, I was always getting into things. I was warned: If I continued, I would be solely responsible for the consequences. This is how I learned the difference between right and wrong. Right is comfort, wrong is pain.” Native Am Indian, Grandmother Twylah Nitsch Wednesday/April 27

20 HUG THERAPY You can be a Hug Therapist! Many scientist now believe that being hugged helps us stay healthy and happy; and might actually make us smarter. But wait a minute! We need to respect each other’s space. Always get permission first. Thursday/April 28

21 RESPONSIBILITY Doing One’s Best “I dare you to think bigger, and to be bigger. I dare you to be strong and keep yourself fit. I dare you to use your imagination. I dare you to be a leader. I dare you to build character. I dare you to share. And I promise you a richer and more exciting life is you do !! “ …A wealthy American businessman …Friday/April 29



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