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Making Responsible Decisions Pg. 36-41 (Blue Book) Mr. Springer 6 th Grade Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Responsible Decisions Pg. 36-41 (Blue Book) Mr. Springer 6 th Grade Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Responsible Decisions Pg. 36-41 (Blue Book) Mr. Springer 6 th Grade Health

2 Using The H.E.L.P. Criteria To Decide What To Do H (_________________) Ex. What are the risks of cheating? E (_________________) Ex. Is cheating right? L (_________________) Ex. Are there school rules against cheating? P (______________________________) Ex. Would my parents approve of cheating?

3 Building Vocabulary 1.Decision Making- ____________ __________________________ __________________________ 2.Values- ___________________ __________________________ __________________________ 3.______________ means choosing to take the right action. 4.______________ are standards on which to base decisions

4 The 6 Steps Of Decision Making Fact: When you apply the decision-making steps, you can make responsible decisions! Step 1 (_______________________________) What decision do I have to make? Step 2 (_______________________________) What are my choices?

5 The 6 Steps Of Decision Making Cont’d Step 3 (_____________________) What are the consequences of each option? Step 4 (_____________________) How does each of the options fit in with my values?

6 The 6 Steps Of Decision Making Cont’d Step 5 (__________________________) What choice will I make? Once I make my choice, what do I need to do to follow through on my decision? Step 6 (__________________________) What were the actual consequences of my decision? What did I learn?

7 Thinking Critically: Tyler’s Decision Tyler has studied hard for his math test. One day his classmate Chris told Tyler that he had had found a copy of the answers to the test on the teacher’s desk. Tyler knew that he could easily get an A if he used the answers. However, he also knew that doing this would be dishonest. Tyler believed in honesty. He wasn’t sure what to do. Question: In the space provided write a short paragraph explaining how Tyler could apply the 6 steps of the decision-making process to help him make his choice.

8 Thinking Critically: Tyler’s Decision _________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________

9 Review Questions 1.What do the letters H.E.L.P. stand for? 2. Name 3 possible influences on decisions. 3. What are the 6 steps of decision making? 4. Think back to a decision you made recently. What values influenced that decision?

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