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I eat breakfast in the morning.

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Presentation on theme: "I eat breakfast in the morning."— Presentation transcript:

1 I eat breakfast in the morning.

2 I eat breakfast in the morning.

3 I eat breakfast in the morning.

4 I average 8-10 hours of sleep each night.
2011 Wording: I get enough sleep at night.

5 I average 8-10 hours of sleep each night.
2011 Wording: I get enough sleep at night.

6 I average 8-10 hours of sleep each night.
2011 Wording: I get enough sleep at night.

7 I enjoy coming to school.

8 I enjoy coming to school.

9 I enjoy coming to school.

10 Attendance at school is important to learning.

11 Attendance at school is important to learning.

12 Attendance at school is important to learning.

13 I have skipped school this year.

14 I have skipped school this year.

15 I have skipped school this year.

16 Being on time to class is important to learning.

17 Being on time to class is important to learning.

18 Being on time to class is important to learning.

19 I have the supplies that I need for class each day.

20 I have the supplies that I need for class each day.

21 I complete my homework assignments.

22 I complete my homework assignments.

23 I complete my homework assignments.

24 I have enough time to complete my homework assignments.

25 I have enough time to complete my homework assignments.

26 I have enough time to complete my homework assignments.

27 Homework helps me understand some concepts better.

28 Homework helps me understand some concepts better.

29 Homework is important.

30 Homework is important.

31 Homework is important.

32 I read for pleasure.

33 I read for pleasure.

34 I read for pleasure.

35 I attend the DAWGs program.

36 I attend the DAWGs program.

37 I attend the DAWGs program.

38 I ask my classmates if I don’t understand a subject.

39 I ask my classmates if I don’t understand a subject.

40 I ask my classmates if I don’t understand a subject.

41 I understand the learning targets I am expected to achieve in my classes.

42 I understand the learning targets I am expected to achieve in my classes.

43 I understand the learning targets I am expected to achieve in my classes.

44 I can explain why my work is good or not.

45 I can explain why my work is good or not.

46 I can explain why my work is good or not.

47 I have regular opportunities to use tests to determine what I have learned and what I still need to work on.

48 I have regular opportunities to use tests to determine what I have learned and what I still need to work on.

49 I have regular opportunities to use tests to determine what I have learned and what I still need to work on.

50 I can describe what I have learned.

51 I can describe what I have learned.

52 I can describe what I have learned.

53 I give my best effort academically in all of my classes.

54 I give my best effort academically in all of my classes.

55 I give my best effort academically in all of my classes.

56 I know the grades I’m getting in my classes.

57 I know the grades I’m getting in my classes.

58 I know the grades I’m getting in my classes.

59 My teachers’ grading systems are clear to me.

60 My teachers’ grading systems are clear to me.

61 I get the grades I want to get in school.

62 I get the grades I want to get in school.

63 I get the grades I want to get in school.

64 If I decide to get good grades, I really can do it.

65 If I decide to get good grades, I really can do it.

66 If I decide to get good grades, I really can do it.

67 The grades I receive are a good indication of how hard I’ve worked and how much I’ve learned.

68 The grades I receive are a good indication of how hard I’ve worked and how much I’ve learned.

69 The grades I receive are a good indication of how hard I’ve worked and how much I’ve learned.

70 My parents encourage me to do my best in school.

71 My parents encourage me to do my best in school.

72 My parents ask me about school:

73 My parents ask me about school:

74 My parents ask me about school:

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