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Marisa Hanning Emily Bendik Katie Kraeer

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1 Marisa Hanning Emily Bendik Katie Kraeer
Miranda Vs. Arizona Marisa Hanning Emily Bendik Katie Kraeer

2 What is the constitutional issue involved in the case?
The Fifth amendment right against self incrimination requires Law enforcement officials to advise a suspect interrogated in custody of his or her rights to remain silent and obtain an attorney, Known as Miranda Rights.

3 Who were the parties involved in the case?
The Supreme court Gordon Ringer Ernesto Miranda Chief Justice Earl Warren Justice Tom C. Clark John J. Flynn Victor M. Earle, III F. Conger Fawcett

4 When and where did the case take place?
The case was argued on many occasions such as February 28, 1966 , March 1, 1966 , March 2, and a Decision was finally made on June 13, 1966 in Phoenix, Arizona.

5 What events lead up to the case going before the Supreme Court?
When Miranda was arrested and taken into custody for being a connection in a kidnap and raping case, but when he was arrested he was not given his fifth amendment rights. Which means anything that he had confessed to is immiscible in court.

6 What was the Supreme Court’s ruling / decision?
Miranda was found guilty of the kidnapping a rapes in three different cases and was sentenced years for each case and the supreme court of Arizona held that Miranda's rights were not violated.

7 What was the reasoning given by the Supreme Court for making their decision?
He was in connection with more than one case and if he wasn’t found guilty and locked away from the world there would have been many more.

8 How do you feel about the ruling? Why?
We feel that the decision of Miranda being found guilty is completely correct, if you want to continue to obtain your fifth amendment rights you should abide by the law and not harm another human being which he did on multiple occasions.

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