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Covenant Series # 4 10-11 First Nations.

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Presentation on theme: "Covenant Series # 4 10-11 First Nations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Covenant Series # 4 10-11 First Nations

2 I. Overview of Nations (Ch. 10)
First Nations 10-11 I. Overview of Nations (Ch. 10) A. The Descendants of Japheth

3 A. The Descendants of Japheth (10:2-5)
Gomer (Germany) Magog, Tubal, & Mechech (North of Israel inc. Russia) Madai (Persia/Iran) Javan (Greece) Tiras (Italy) Togarmah (Armenia) Tarshish (Spain) Kittim (Cyprus)

4 I. Overview of Nations (Ch. 10)
First Nations 10-11 I. Overview of Nations (Ch. 10) A. The Descendants of Japheth B. The Descendants of Ham

5 B. The Descendants of Ham
Cush (Ethiopia) Mizraim (Egypt)) Phut (Africa) Canaan (Canaanites of Palestine) Nimrod (Babylon & Assyria) Sidon (Phoenicia) Heth (Hitites) Jebus (Jebusites occupied Jerusalem prior to David) Pilistim (The Philistines) Sin (Possible founder of the oriental peoples)

6 I. Overview of Nations (Ch. 10)
First Nations 10-11 I. Overview of Nations (Ch. 10) A. The Descendants of Japheth B. The Descendants of Ham C. The Descendants of Shem

7 C. The Descendants of Shem
Through Abraham, Isaac & Jacob: The nation of Israel 2. Through Abraham, Ishmael and Esau: The Middle East Arabic peoples

8 II. Origin of Nations (11:1-9)
First Nations 10-11 II. Origin of Nations (11:1-9) A. The Arrogance of Mankind (vv 3-4)

9 This was to be a man made religion but with the pretence of worshipping the One True God.
Nimrod’s Castle

10 II. Origin of Nations (11:1-9)
First Nations 10-11 II. Origin of Nations (11:1-9) A. The Arrogance of Mankind (vv 3-4) B. The Judgment of God (vv 5-7)

11 This is the first gift of tongues and it is by way of judgment

12 II. Origin of Nations (11:1-9)
First Nations 10-11 II. Origin of Nations (11:1-9) A. The Arrogance of Mankind (vv 3-4) B. The Judgment of God (vv 5-7) C. Divisions Among Mankind (vv 8-9)

13 III. Origin of God’s Nation (11:10-32)
First Nations 10-11 III. Origin of God’s Nation (11:10-32) The Families of Abram and Sarai


15 Covenant Series # 4 10-11 First Nations

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