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From Creation to the Present Man, his fate, and the repopulation of the world after the flood.

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Presentation on theme: "From Creation to the Present Man, his fate, and the repopulation of the world after the flood."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Creation to the Present Man, his fate, and the repopulation of the world after the flood

2 From creation to the flood God created our world and the universe One land mass? Sin committed by Adam Violent world God decided to destroy everything through a great flood Time frame: 1656 years

3 The earth before the flood

4 The Flood Rain for 40 days and nights All the springs of the great deep burst forth Flood level >20 feet above the highest mountain peak Flood waters on the earth for 150 days From flood to the earth completely dry = one year Every living creature died; total destruction

5 The earth after the flood

6 From the flood to the present A different world – several land masses Man commanded to repopulate the earth Repopulation started after the Tower of Babel incident When? 101 years after the flood Marked by Eber through Peleg’s name which means “division”

7 The Ark rested on mountains of Ararat Genesis 8:4

8 The Ark rested on mountains of Ararat Genesis 11:2, 7-9 SHINAR = “Babel”

9 Noah’s sons Noah Shem HamJapheth


11 Shem → Elam Elam Iran, Yugoslavia

12 Shem → Asshur Asshur Assyria

13 Shem → Arphaxad Arphaxad North Mesopotamia, current Gulf states, Yemen, Ethiopia, Eritrea

14 Shem → Lud Lud North Turkey: Lydians

15 Shem → Aram Aram North Mesopotamia: Arameans

16 Noah’s sons Noah Shem HamJapheth

17 HAM

18 Ham → Cush Cush Upper Nile, South of Egypt

19 Ham → Mizraim Mizraim Egypt, Phillistines, Crete, Cyprus, Libyans

20 Ham → Put Put Somaliland, Yemen

21 Ham → Canaan Canaan Promised Land

22 Noah’s sons Noah Shem HamJapheth


24 Japheth → Gomer Ashkenaz Mongoloids of Asia: Tibet, Southern China, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Southern Japan

25 Japheth → Gomer Riphath Baltic, Lapps, Volga Finns, Hungarians

26 Japheth → Gomer Togarmah Armenia, Turkish, Mongolia, Siberia, parts of Asia

27 Japheth → Magog Magog “Scythians” Chinese, Mongol Elite, Northern Chinese Han, Mughals of India

28 Japheth → Madai Madai Medes: Sarmatians, Ukrainians

29 Japheth → Javan Elishah Ionians (Cyprus, Greece), Africa, Pacific: Maori, Malay peninsula, and archipelago

30 Japheth → Javan Tarshish Spain (Cadiz), Cilicia (Tarsus), India, Japan

31 Japheth → Javan Kittim Cyprus, Asia Minor (yellow skinned) Hittites, China

32 Japheth → Javan Rodanim Asia Minor (western Turkey), Troy, people of Rhodes, Danube, Black Sea, Thrace

33 Japheth → Tubal Tubal Russia, Bulgaria, Basques

34 Japheth → Meshech Meshech Russia, Tuberani, Black Sea people

35 Japheth → Tiras Tiras Ancient Minoans, Thracians, English Picts, American Indians, Mayans

36 Kingdom/empire timeline YrsAfterFlood Event/KingdomBC/AD 67 Nimrod2392 101 Tower of Babel? “Peleg"2358 467 Egypt1992 1344 Assyria – Tiglath Pileser 11115 1488 Israel – Solomon971 1852 Nebuchadnezzar-Babylon 607 1922 Cyrus – Persia537 2136 Greek – Alexander323 2238 Qin dynasty (China) – start221 2396 Roman - Augustus Caesar63 2709 Maya civilization250 AD 2861 Khmer empire402 AD 3091 Muhammad (Islam)632 AD 3659 Inca civilization started1200 AD 3686 Mongolian-Genghis Khan1227 AD 3697 Thailand - Sukhothai kingdom1238 AD 3752 Majapahit empire1293 AD 3887 Aztec1428 AD 4097 Japan - Tokugawa shogunate1633 AD

37 Rise of Kingdoms 101 457 1922 2136 2238 2396 2709 2861 3659 3686 3752 3887 4097 3697 Date reference: years after the flood Color Code < 1k yrs 1k to 2k yrs 2k to 3k yrs 3k to 4k yrs > 4k yrs

38 Man Genesis 1: 26-31 why God created man, it was “good” Ecclesiastes 11:13 the whole duty of man = fear God and keep His commandments Romans 5:12 man’s problem = SIN John 3:16 God’s love = Jesus Christ John 11:25-26 Man’s only correct response to God’s love

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