Charlemange and Vikings

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1 Charlemange and Vikings

2 Islamic Expansion North Africa was Islamic due to the Berbers
They had successfully conquered Iberia Motives unclear but the people happy with change Muslim forces than moved into Southern France Defeated by Charles “The Hammer” Martel at the Battle of Tours

3 The Carolingians Means “House of Charles”
Charles Martel went about united the Franks Germanic peoples from fall of Rome King Clovis converted them to Christianity His son, Pepin the Short became King, followed by another Charles.

4 Charlemagne Magne means Great, Charles the Great
Spent considerable resources conquering Northern Italy/France He also saved the Pope Named Emperor of the Romans on Christmas 800 Foundations for the Holy Roman Empire

5 Two “Roman” Empires Eastern Roman “Byzantine” Empire (Greek)
Holy Roman Empire (German) c A.D. Eastern Roman “Byzantine” Empire (Greek)

6 Legacy Forged a large empire Expanded education and learning
Later called the Holy Roman Empire Expanded education and learning Expanded “Christendom” Created a strong Government

7 Decline Charlemagne’s heirs divided the Empire into three with the Treaty of Verdun These Kingdoms faced considerable outside threats: Muslim pirates raided from the South Magyars (Hungarians) nomads raided from the east Vikings attacked from the North

8 Vikings Warriors from Scandinavia Raided to steal wealth
Often targeting monasteries Shallow bottom “Long Ships” allowed them to sail down rivers Military skill overrated but did have significant impact Changed governments Ruled Normandy, Northern France Ruled in Kievan Rus

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