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HOMEROOM Mrs. Shores Room 105.

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Presentation on theme: "HOMEROOM Mrs. Shores Room 105."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOMEROOM Mrs. Shores Room 105

2 Grades in Homeroom Work Habits Cooperation
Based on Sustained Silent Reading Based on Returning Tear-Offs Cooperation Based on Attendance Based on Behavior

3 Sustained Silent Reading
Students are asked to bring a book or check out a book. Students not reading or with out a book will receive a lower work habits grade. Students must check out books from my library before 7:59.

4 Schedule 7:50 AM: Door opens – begin breakfast 8:00 AM: All students in your seat for roll call before the bell rings. 8:10 AM: Announcements begin – no talking. After announcements – sustained silent reading. 8:15 AM: Trash in outside can at back of room. 8:18 AM: All students are in their seats before the bell rings to go to the first period.

5 Attendance Students are asked to arrive to school on time (in seat at 8 AM). The cooperation grade will be lowered when students are tardy. More than three tardies in a 5 week period will result in a “U” for cooperation.

6 Communications The school uses homeroom as a means of communication to the parents. You may want to have a special folder where all letters from the school go so that you can check. Often their will be letters and they may require a parent signature.

7 After an Absence Students need to give the parent excuse note to the attendance office prior to arriving in home room. The office will excuse an absence from the note the parent has written or will request a doctors note. Only excused absences will be allowed to make up missing work.

8 Breakfast in the Classroom
All students will be given a free breakfast. The meal consists of all items the cafeteria has provided. (USUALLY 3) All items must be taken when served. If there is an item you do not wish to consume put it in the sharing area. Items not consumed will be given to the food bank or thrown away. Students with a special diet need to send a doctor note to cafeteria.

9 Keeping the Classroom Clean
Each student is responsible for keeping their own area clean. And help others in need. If food is spilled it is imperative to clean it up immediately to avoid food becoming a sticky mess. Insects, rats, AND MOLD enjoy sticky messes and crumbs left behind. THEN YOU GET SICK!!!! This is why we need: paper towels and disinfectant wipes.

10 Critters that like eating your mess:

11 Homeroom Competitions
HOPE fund- % participation Friends of Portola Fundraiser Box Tops- amount collected Door decorating contest Friendly Friday Grade Level competitions: ie. three legged race

12 Any Questions about Homeroom?

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