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Adjective Agreement French I.

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Presentation on theme: "Adjective Agreement French I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adjective Agreement French I

2 Adjectives agree in number (singular or plural) and gender (masculine or feminine) with the noun they are describing. Exemples: les petites filles (the little girls) To make an adjective feminine, add an –e: Exemple: l’athlète forte To make an adjective plural, add an –s: Exemple: les élèves sympas

3 If an adjective ends in –eux or –if, we make them feminine by making the following changes:
Masculine Feminine -eux -euse paresseux paresseuse -if -ive créatif créative

4 Irregular feminine forms:
Masculine Feminie long longue blanc blanche bon (good) bonne gros grosse gentil gentille mignon (cute) mignonne

5 Most adjectives follow the noun they are describing unless they describe beauty, age, goodness or size: Exemple: Margot est une bonne élève et une personne généreuse.

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