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Do Now 1.5 OBJECTIVE: Prepare for the systems quiz (digestive, nervous, excretory, and circulatory) TASK: Gather your systems notes and readings – you.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now 1.5 OBJECTIVE: Prepare for the systems quiz (digestive, nervous, excretory, and circulatory) TASK: Gather your systems notes and readings – you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now 1.5 OBJECTIVE: Prepare for the systems quiz (digestive, nervous, excretory, and circulatory) TASK: Gather your systems notes and readings – you will be able to use them during the… UNFAIR GAME 

2 The Unfair Game Systems

3 Digestive : Moderate What type of macromolecules are affected by bile?
Lipids / fats

4 Digestive : Easy This structure carries a bolus of food from the mouth to the stomach Esophagus

5 Digestive : Hard What organ of the digestive system produces pepsin?

6 Nervous : Moderate What type of neurons are most common in the central nervous system? Interneurons

7 Nervous : Easy What is the name of the nerve cell structure that sends messages to another neuron? Axon

8 Nervous : Hard The flow of what ion into the axon of a neuron begins the transmission of action potential? Na+

9 Circulatory : Hard What chamber of the heart will blood in the coronary veins arrive at first? Right atrium

10 Circulatory : Easy Blood cells are removed from a sample of blood. The resulting solution is called what? Blood Plasma

11 Circulatory : Moderate
What is the only example of an artery carrying deoxygenated blood? Pulmonary artery

12 Excretory : Moderate What structures are used by annelids to filter nitrogen from the blood? Nephridia

13 Excretory : Hard What enzyme is produced as a result of the release of the enzyme renin by kidneys? Angiotensin II

14 Excretory : Easy What is the primary organ that filters N waste from vertebrate blood? kidney

15 Digestive : Easy What organ of the digestive system is responsible for most chemical digestion and most nutrient absorption? Small intestine

16 Digestive : Moderate What is the name of the partially digested food that enters the small intestine from the stomach? chyme

17 Digestive : Hard What two glands produce amylase?
Salivary and pancreas

18 Nervous : Moderate What structure of the central nervous system controls involuntary functions? Brain stem and/or spinal cord

19 Nervous : easy What type of neurons control voluntary muscle movement?
Motor neurons.

20 Nervous : Hard What type of cells produce the myelin sheath surrounding neural axons? Schwann’s cells

21 Excretory : Hard What does the distal convoluted tubule do that the proximal convoluted tubule does not? DCT adds additional waste products.

22 Excretory : Moderate What is the name of the structures that connect the renal pelvis of the kidney to the urinary bladder? ureters

23 Excretory : Easy What is the term for the liquid waste product that exits the urethra? urine

24 Circulatory : Moderate
What heart chamber pumps blood to the body? Left ventricle

25 Circulatory : Easy How many chambers does a mammal heart contain? 4

26 Circulatory : Hard What structure in the heart is responsible for triggering a heartbeat? Sinoatrial node

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