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HBS Systems and their Organs. Cardiovascular System Carries blood to all parts of the body. Blood brings food and oxygen to all parts of the body Heart,

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Presentation on theme: "HBS Systems and their Organs. Cardiovascular System Carries blood to all parts of the body. Blood brings food and oxygen to all parts of the body Heart,"— Presentation transcript:

1 HBS Systems and their Organs

2 Cardiovascular System Carries blood to all parts of the body. Blood brings food and oxygen to all parts of the body Heart, arteries, veins

3 Respiratory System Where blood picks up Oxygen and drops off extra carbon dioxide. Lungs, trachea, diaphragm

4 Nervous System A physically connected network of cells, tissues, and organs. It controls thoughts, movements, and simple processes Brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves

5 Endocrine System A collection of physically separate organs Sends messages that tell body how to grow and develop using signals called glands Hypothyalmus, pituitary, thyroid, thymus, adrenal, pancreas, ovaries, testes

6 Digestive System The system that breaks food down into energy that can be used by cells. Esophagus, stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, large intestine, small intestine, rectum

7 Excretory Eliminates nonsolid wastes from the body in sweat, urine and exhaled breath. Skin, lungs, kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra

8 Muscular Makes movement possible Muscle cells, muscle fibers

9 Integumentary Surrounds and protects all other organ systems and helps to maintain homeostasis. Skin, hair, nails, oil glands and sweat glands

10 Lymphatic Provides circulation of fluids which leak into area between cells System of organs, vessels and nodes through which lymph circulates. Spleen, tonsils, lymph nodes, thymus gland

11 Immune System Body system that fights off infections White blood cells

12 Skeletal Important for supporting, protecting, and moving the body Bones and ligaments and tendons

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