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SENSU Strategic Approaches to Environment and Sustainability research group Perceptions on SEA: Not all that glitters is gold Session:

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Presentation on theme: "SENSU Strategic Approaches to Environment and Sustainability research group Perceptions on SEA: Not all that glitters is gold Session:"— Presentation transcript:

1 SENSU Strategic Approaches to Environment and Sustainability research group Perceptions on SEA: Not all that glitters is gold Session: Specific SEA issues Authors: Monteiro, MB; Partidário, MR Centro de Congressos da Alfândega Porto, Portugal, 27 May – 1 June 2012 32 nd Annual Conference of IAIA Energy Future – The Role of Impact Assessment

2 Introduction Objectives: – Understanding the current practice of SEA in Portugal; – Getting to know the actors visions on the contribution of SEA to the planning process; – Analyzing the influence of actors perceptions in SEA and planning processes; – Synthesizing on the theory and practice trends observed. 2 SENSU- Strategic Approaches to Environment and Sustainability research group Perceptions on SEA: Not all that glitters is gold 32 nd Annual Conference of IAIA

3 Different views and understandings of SEA 3 SENSU- Strategic Approaches to Environment and Sustainability research group Perceptions on SEA: Not all that glitters is gold 32 nd Annual Conference of IAIA

4 SEA and Sustainable Development Perceptions on SEA: Not all that glitters is gold 32 nd Annual Conference of IAIA 4 SENSU- Strategic Approaches to Environment and Sustainability research group Assess environmental impacts of PPP and their alternatives (Therivel, 1993) Assess environmental consequences of policy, plan and programme proposals at the earliest stage of decision-making (Sadler & Verheem, 1996) Integration of biophysical, economic, social and political considerations (Partidário, 1999) Understand and explore environmental and sustainable strategic options to address the problems and meet intended objectives (Partidário, 2007) Improve strategic actions by integrate environmental and sustainability issues in strategic decision-making, moving beyond the comfort area of decisions (Therivel, 2004) Instrument that acts like a knowledge brokerage platform to achieve environmental and sustainability oriented decision- making (Partidário & Sheate, 2012) Systematic, objectives-led and evidence-led decision-making support instrument to ensure due consideration is given to environmental aspects in PPP making by adding rigor to the decision- making process (Fischer et al, 2009)

5 The rational model guided EA assumptions over the years… 5 SENSU- Strategic Approaches to Environment and Sustainability research group 32 nd Annual Conference of IAIA Perceptions on SEA: Not all that glitters is gold SEA and Decision Cognitive limitation Lack of knowledge Mutual dependencies Level of ambition Uncertainties Multiple actors/behaviors Divergences Complexity Unpredictability One single and central decision- maker All the necessary information is available (reasonable degree of certainty) Systematical search of the best solution to an independent and well defined problem … but:

6 6 SENSU- Strategic Approaches to Environment and Sustainability research group 32 nd Annual Conference of IAIA Perceptions on SEA: Not all that glitters is gold SEA and Perception Consultants vs. Decision-makers SEA (mediator) SEA (mediator) Problem identification Actors involved Transparency Responsibilities Values Hierarchy of decision Objectives Data/information Costs and benefits Efforts Priorities Resources Background Causes Financial effects Communication Values and culture Negotiation Legal requirements Flexibility Accountability

7 Criteria's: Approach, object of assessment, perspective, entry point, relation to the decision- making process, assessment, governance, follow-up; ER analysis: 34 ER, different typologies (programmes, sectorial, planning); Interviews: Consultants, decision-makers, specialists; Questionnaires: Environmental consultant enterprises, public administration, sectorial institutions, researchers. 7 SENSU- Strategic Approaches to Environment and Sustainability research group 32 nd Annual Conference of IAIA Perceptions on SEA: Not all that glitters is gold Methodology Literature review Criteria to analysis InterviewsQuestionnaires Influence of perception in SEA ER analysis

8 8 SENSU- Strategic Approaches to Environment and Sustainability research group 32 nd Annual Conference of IAIA Perceptions on SEA: Not all that glitters is gold Influence of Perception in SEA: Theory Interviews: Instrument that most serve sustainability in the way it is applied … Gives transparency and legitimacy to the planning process Consider the success factors that influence decisions… Be simultaneous and influence since the beginning the policy development Adopts a participatory approach that connects decision-maker, consultants and society Proactive engagement of stakeholders and society

9 Questionnaires: 9 SENSU- Strategic Approaches to Environment and Sustainability research group 32 nd Annual Conference of IAIA Perceptions on SEA: Not all that glitters is gold Influence of Perception in SEA: Theory Contribution to the PPP process Relation with the decision

10 Some results of ER analysis: 10 SENSU- Strategic Approaches to Environment and Sustainability research group 32 nd Annual Conference of IAIA Perceptions on SEA: Not all that glitters is gold Influence of Perception in SEA: Practice

11 11 SENSU- Strategic Approaches to Environment and Sustainability research group 32 nd Annual Conference of IAIA Perceptions on SEA: Not all that glitters is gold Main Results: Theory vs. Practice TheoryPractice Perspective Sustainability (holistic and integrated)Limited environmental scope Entry Point Beginning of the planning processLate start Relation with the decision Facilitator of the decision-making Legal obligation Technical assessment Object of Assessment Products Future images / possible choices Results Future predictions /choices made Governance Institutional arrangements and participationOnly environmental responsibilities Follow-up Planning, management, governance and monitoring guidelines Indicators and control measures Approach Strategic SEAEIA-based SEA

12 12 SENSU- Strategic Approaches to Environment and Sustainability research group 32 nd Annual Conference of IAIA Perceptions on SEA: Not all that glitters is gold Conclusions and Future steps conducted applied – SEA outcomes always depends on how it is conducted and applied; valuesperceptionsinfluence SEA low consensus between actors – Different values and perceptions influence SEA effectiveness, coherency and efficiency: low consensus between actors leads to different outcomes; EIA influence – Big EIA influence: extension of EIA to upper decision levels vs. limited development as a strategic approach; – Theory-practice gap – Theory-practice gap.

13 Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles – Second level Third level – Fourth level » Fifth level 13 SENSU- Strategic Approaches to Environment and Sustainability research group 32 nd Annual Conference of IAIA Perceptions on SEA: Not all that glitters is gold Thank You for your attention! How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of "green"?How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of "green"? Stan Brakhage 13 SENSU- Strategic Approaches to Environment and Sustainability research group Perceptions on SEA: Not all that glitters is gold 32 nd Annual Conference of IAIA

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