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Bellwork On your bellwork paper, answer the following question:

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork On your bellwork paper, answer the following question:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork On your bellwork paper, answer the following question:
What Dr. Seuss books have you read? 

2 Bellwork On your bellwork paper, answer the following question:
What is your opinion on the movement to eat only organic produce? Explain. 

3 Technology, Medicine, Agriculture, Highways, Labor Unions
The 1950's  Technology, Medicine, Agriculture, Highways, Labor Unions

4 Today's Standards  US 84 – Describe the effects of technological developments, including advances in medicine, improvements in agricultural technology such as pesticides and fertilizers, the environmental impact of these advances, and the development of the interstate highway system. US. 87 – Explain the events related to labor unions, including the merger of the AFL-CIO, the Taft-Hartley Act, the roles played by Estes Kefauver, Robert Kennedy, and Jimmy Hoffa. 

5 Today's Objectives  Students will be able to describe the major technological advancements in medicine and agriculture in their own words Students will be able to explain the events discussed in the lesson concerning labor unions. 

6 Advances in Medicine  Drugs to help prevent childhood diseases – ex: typhoid fever Dr. Jonas Salk – vaccine for polio – one of the most diseases of the 1950's  FDR had polio and was partially paralyzed 58,000 American children were affected by Polio – some died while others were partially paralyzed By 1974, there were only 7 polio cases 

7 Pesticides & Fertilizers
1950's = Golden Age of Pesticides – DDT used to kill bugs during WW2 – no studies had been done to prove that it was harmful During the 50's & 60's – the government limited the amount of land farmers could farm (in hopes of not creating a  surplus of produce, which would drive prices down and create a problem for farmers) - farmers used pesticides and fertilizers to help increase production on their limited acreage Also, new technology – tractors – made plowing easier and faster  increased mechanized power advances in plant and animal breeding inexpensive chemical fertilizers and pesticides s called the “pesticide era”

8 Environmental Impact  By the end of the 1960's, people began to realize that DDT and other pesticides had potential harmful impacts on the environment – specifically wildlife and potentially humans  Rachel Carson – scientist – wrote "Silent Spring" - a study of pesticides that pointed out that they were harmful The Environmental Protection Agency was created in 1970 to control farmers' use of pesticides and fertilizers  Concerns from the growing use of pesticides (DDT banned)  led to Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring and the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970

9 Interstate Highway System - 1956

10 Let's Pause  In the blank spot on your notes, explain the technological advances we just discussed in your own words. When you are done, share with a partner and then prepare to share with the whole class. 

11 AFL-CIO Merger  American Federation of Labor–Congress of Industrial Organizations  AFL was created in 1886 – organized workers by craft  CIO was created in 1935 – organized workers by industry George Meany was head – he was a former head of the AFL  The purpose of the merger was to combat anti-labor attitudes in Congress  1955 to combat anti-labor attitude of Congress American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations led by George Meany

12 Taft-Hartley Act  Handout 

13 Estes Kefauver  Tennessee Senator – 1950 – head of a Senate investigation committee for organized crime that uncovered ties between the mafia and some labor unions (Teamsters) These investigations led to the creation of the Senate Labor Rackets Committee in 1957  TN Senator who in 1950 headed a Senate investigation committee into organized crime that uncovered ties between the mafia and some labor unions (Teamsters) investigations led to the creation of the Senate Labor Rackets Committee in 1957

14 Robert Kennedy w5gw
Chief counsel to the Senate Labor Rackets Committee and its investigation of the Teamsters Union Earned a reputation as a tough interrogator in his confrontations with Teamster leader Jimmy Hoffa  Runs for President in 1968 – assassinated  served as chief counsel to the Senate Labor Rackets Committee and its investigation of the Teamsters Union earned a reputation as a tough interrogator in his confrontations with Teamster leader Jimmy Hoffa

15 Jimmy Hoffa  President of the Teamsters Union accused of ties with organized crime Later convicted of jury tampering and bribery  - imprisoned in 1967  Disappeared after his release from prison while involved in a fight to regain control of the Teamsters – no one really knows what happened to him  President of the Teamsters Union accused of ties with organized crime later convicted of jury tampering and bribery and imprisoned disappeared after his release from prison while involved in a fight to regain control of the Teamsters.

16 Exit Ticket On a sticky note, answer the following question:
Write a brief summary of the events related to Labor Unions that we just discussed in class. 

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