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CGMS Wildcat Electives

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1 CGMS Wildcat Electives
School Year

2 There is something for every student at Casa Grande Middle School
Physical Education (6,7,8) Art (6, 7, 8) Computers (6, 7, 8) Engineering and Design (6, 7, 8) Career Exploration (Future Teachers) (7,8) Communication Sciences (7.8) Weight Training(6,7,8) Yoga (6, 7, 8) Science Olympiad (7, 8) Mock Trial (7, 8 – With Permission) Band (6,7,8)

3 Physical Education This year we will have our Regular physical education classes, but add a Weight Lifting Class and a Yoga Class.

4 Band This year we will continue to have our Band classes for all of our Musically talented students….

5 Art We will continue inspire and astound our classmates with our amazing ARTISTIC talents directed by the one and only Mrs. Herman

6 Computer Sciences Of course Computer Sciences and Maker Space classes are going to be in full swing again…. Doing some creative programs and projects for next year.

7 STEM Engineering & Design Class
New this year will be a class that lets you learn about engineering and design, working with real life problems and create real life solutions all while using Science and Math skills. This will be a very project based class.

8 Communication Science Class
New this year will be a class that publishes our School Newspaper, studies journalism and produces our first regular news cast called the “WildCHAT”.

9 Mock Trial Do you like the law? Do you have an interest in arguing legal points and cases, well…. See Mr. Graham about getting permission to join his award winning Mock Trial class. This will only be open to 7th and 8th graders.

10 Science Olympiad (Green and Gold Teams)
If you really enjoy Science class, like working with partners, enjoy building things and learning about all different levels of science, and most importantly like to compete…. Then Science Olympiad is just for you!!!

11 Future Teachers ( Career Exploration)
Once again we will continue to offer our 7th and 8th graders a chance to explore being a “teacher” by being an aide for an elementary class at Saguaro. We will also learn more about the careers associated with teaching. If this interest you, please select this in your survey.

12 Now is your chance to choose a GREAT elective opportunity for your next school year……. Go to our School Website and complete the Electives Survey. Remember you can only complete it once, so choose WISELY. Classes will be assigned based on availability within your schedule.

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