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Sotirios Tsimikas JACC 2017;69:

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1 Sotirios Tsimikas JACC 2017;69:692-711
Apo(a) Isoform Differences, Lp(a) Values, and CVD Events in Different Racial Groups (A) Differences in apo(a) isoform size in black, white, and Hispanic subjects from the Dallas Heart Study. Number of kringles represents total KIV repeats. A very small number of samples were inappropriately categorized as <10 repeats due to sample degradation. (B) Corresponding Lp(a) levels. Note that despite similar isoforms, black subjects had significantly elevated Lp(a). (C) Similar CVD outcomes in black and white subjects from the ARIC study using log2 transformed Lp(a) data. Modified and reprinted with permission from Tsimikas et al. (51) and Virani et al. (53). ARIC = Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities; CHD = coronary heart disease; other abbreviations as in Figures 1 and 4. Sotirios Tsimikas JACC 2017;69: The Author

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