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What is ClassCharts? A record of behaviour; positive and negative

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2 What is ClassCharts? A record of behaviour; positive and negative
Homework setting Detention setting Communication between staff ClassCharts is an online system used by schools and can be accessed by teachers, parents and pupils. Teachers are able to record behaviour, both positive and negative, which in turn makes it easy for tutors to quickly ascertain an overview of each pupil’s behaviour in school. This then allows the tutors to support the child in correcting any poor behaviours. We are also able to set homework in detail for tutors, parents and pupils to see and then record any subsequent support following on from this.

3 ClassCharts A look at all the behaviour points awarded to pupils on ClassCharts since August - over positives, with 91% of our behaviour points being awarded for positive behaviours.

4 How can ClassCharts be accessed?
ClassCharts can be accessed as a website from a computer or mobile device, or an app can be downloaded and access can be gained from there. Website App

5 Behaviour pie chart and activity feed
The behaviour pie chart gives parents a quick visual representation of their child's proportion of positive points and negative points. Outer sections of the pie chart can be clicked or hovered over in order to find out which positive or negative behaviour they relate to whilst doing the same to the inner sections will tell you the total number and percentage. At Kents Hill Park we have high expectations so expect 100% positive points, we understand everybody makes mistakes but as a parent you should be concerned if your child receives multiple negative points for the same reason or if their overall positive percentages falls below 90% positive. The activity feed The activity feed is below the pie chart, which gives a little more information to the parents regarding each positive or negative; behaviour point awarded, which lesson and which teacher recorded. The dates can be changed in the top right hand corner which can allow you to compare your child’s behaviour against previous dates or see the behaviour for a longer period of time. We are hoping that this program will help you and your child look forward and make positive changes rather than dwelling on past events. Remember, some behaviour points will not appear in the activity feed, if they are more serious behaviour instances where a conversation needs to happen the member of staff will contact you rather than it being added to ClassCharts.

6 Homework From discussions with parents it has been fed back that you would like to have a way of seeing what homework has been set and when they are due in so you can support your child at home. Here you can see what homework is pending, and can click on “DETAILS” to view more information…

7 …this allows teachers to give in depth instructions for homework and attached any relevant documents that pupils may need.

8 Homework Once a pupil has completed the homework they can log into their account and click to say that it has been completed, at this point it will become light green and move into the pending section that you see. Once the teacher has received the homework and logged it, the homework will become dark green and move to the submitted section. If a pupil believes they have finished the homework, however, it is not given to the class teacher, or the teacher feels it is not completed to a high enough standard it will remain in the pending section and a subsequent detention will be set…

9 Detentions When a pupil is issued with a detention you will receive an to your linked account to inform you and it will appear on the detention page in the today or future section. Once the pupil has attended it becomes green, if a pupil does not attend it will become red and further detention will be set. Please ensure the School has your most up-to-date address.

10 As this is a new system we have been trialling it within school and as a result information on the homework and detention pages may be not be up to date if back dated from before 29th April We value all feedback to endeavour we maintain a system that can work for the school, parents and pupils please any feedback to with the subject heading “ClassCharts”.

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